Chapter Five: Save My Heart Tonight

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My phone rang from my side table. I grabbed it and pressed it on my ear. "Hello?" I answered.

"Can I take you out on a date?" A familiar British boy asked.

"Dimples, it's three in the morning." I groaned looking at the digital clock beside me.

"How 'bout breakfast?"

"It's three in the morning," I repeated.

"Please," he begged and the longer he held the word the more irritating it sounded.

"Okay, fine." I groaned.

"I'll pick you up in five." He said and I hung up the phone placing it back on my side table.

Who asks a girl for a date at three in the morning? Oh wait, Harry Styles just did. I groaned for the umpteenth time and crawled out of bed. I'm pretty sure Arianna's still asleep so I didn't bother waking her up. I got dressed in a simple red shirt and some shorts and waited for Harry in the living room almost falling back to sleep.

The doorbell rang and I walked out the door to meet Harry smirking at me. "You're unbelievable," I said.

We walked out the apartment and got into a car. He told the driver to go to this diner he said and the driver stepped on it.

The diner was twenty-four/seven open and when we entered we were the only costumer.

"For a record, I'm not a morning person." He said.

"That makes two of us," I said sitting down across him.

A waitress walked towards us and asked for our order, she was smirking at Harry and twirling her hair with the pen. She was flirting with Harry.

"I'll have The Home Skillet." Harry said then looked at me.

"I don't eat breakfast," I told Harry and looked up the girl. "I'll just have a glass of vanilla shake."

The girl winked at Harry and walked away from our table.

"You affect girls without effort," I said stifling a laugh.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I said looking at him.

"What was your first impression of us?"

"In all honesty I thought Louis was gay, I mean I know he's not but the way he acted I just thought he was. I didn't really find Liam attractive, but he's really nice to talk too. He's serious most of the times. I kept on pronouncing Niall's name differently and I think he has gorgeous blue eyes. Zayn's the cutest amongst you five, but you really didn't have to know that because he's dating my sister." I said shocked to myself that I went verbal diarrhea on Harry.

"And me?" He asked raising an eye brow.

"Dimples," I smirked at him and he laughed.

The waitress came back with our orders and a piece of paper. "Can I have your autograph?" She asked and Harry nodded signing the piece of paper for the lady.

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