Chapter Ten: Stay Close, Don't Go

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Picture of sleeping Bree on right.



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I woke up curled under some sheets and I was wearing a large jacket. I scanned the room and realized that it wasn't my room. I tried remembering what happened last night and everything came flashing back. I fell asleep on Harry's lap.

My phone buzzed from inside my pocket and I grabbed looking at the screen. I received a tweet and when I opened it my insides flipped like crazy.

@Harry_Styles: Never fall asleep on Harry Styles @Bree_Morgan

The tweet said and there was a picture of me sleeping. I am so going to kill that cheeky boy. Just as I pushed the covers out of my body Harry came inside the room.

"I hate you," I pouted and he smirked at me.

He sat down beside me handing me a glass of water. "Morning to you too."

I didn't say anything, I just pouted at the boy in front of me.

"You look beautiful, even when asleep." He said tucking in a strand of hair that fell on my face. Why does he say things that make me blush? I rarely blush.

"Thank you," was all I could say. "Where's Arianna?" I suddenly asked.

"With Zayn."

"Where are they?"

He just shrugged. I gulped down the water and handed him back the glass. "I made breakfast for you," he said pointing at the side table where there was a tray and some pancakes.

"Wow, this looks delicious." I said grabbing the plate.

"That's my secret talent," he whispered.

"What, cooking?"

"Yeah," he said smirking.

"I've always had a thing for guys who could cook," I said winking.

He smiled genuinely and stood up. "I'll be outside if you need anything."

When he left I scanned his room and laughed a bit to see how messy he was. Their clothes everywhere. I got out of bed and walked towards the window opening the curtain a bit so I could see the view outside.

It was breathtaking. I grabbed the plate of pancakes and walked out of Harry's room. I shoved the fork of pancake in my mouth as I slumped down the couch beside Harry.

"So what are we gonna do now?" I asked placing the finished pancake on the table.

"I dunno," Harry answered being busy on his phone.

Just when I was about to say something my phone rang to the tune of Sum 41.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Baby, I'm really sorry." It was Arin.

"And I'm sorry as well, but it's over Arin." I told him. He's been bugging me lately. Saying sorry for being too clingy than he got mad that he only loves me too much that's why he acts that way. I had to tell him for the hundredth time that it was me and not him.

"He's still calling you?" Harry looked at me.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Hey, can we go somewhere today?" Louis whined.

"Where to?" Harry asked.

"I dunno."

"I have to go now. I need to check on my bookshop." I said and bid my farewell to the boys.

I took a bus to the bookshop and when I entered Kelly was on the counter chewing gum. "How's the day?" I asked.

"Bad, no customer since yesterday."

"You like that," I joked and she smiled.

"More than you think," she said.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked sitting beside her.

"Nothing. Oh, Arin came here just a few minutes ago. He asked me to give this to you." Kelly handed me an envelope and was quite thick.

"I hate you, you know." I was shocked by what Kelly said. "I like Arin, but he likes you. Oh wait, he loves you. And then you break his heart."

It was Kelly who introduced Arin to me. "I wish I could feel more." I admitted.

"But you're so fixated by your new toy now."

That's Kelly, she would say something hurtful but to her it's just the truth.

I opened the envelope and I started reading Arin's long note.

"I hope you make up your mind," Kelly said. "I liked you for him, that's why I introduce him to you no matter how much it pained me." Kelly said and walked away from me.

I came back to the apartment and saw Arianna watching TV. "Hey," I said sitting beside her.

"What's wrong?" She asked and I just gave her the letter Arin gave me. "Wow," was all she said.

"Do you still love him?" She asked.

"No," I said sure of it.

"Do you love Harry?"

I looked up at her. "Yes," I said, because I know I do.

I stood up and walked towards the kitchen. "Where'd you and Zayn go?" I asked.

"He took me out for lunch."

Later that evening I tried calling Harry but he wasn't picking up. "What are the boys doing right now?" I asked.

Arianna just shrugged.

"Harry's not picking up," I said. It was the first time ever that I was calling a guy and he won't pick up.

"They're probably busy."

"I thought they were in vacation?"

"They're famous; they get calls now and then."

"What do you want for dinner?" I asked.

"How 'bout that Filipino dish."

I laughed, Arianna really liked that and I loved it as well. I got started with my cooking and half way through Arianna entered looking really sad. "Something wrong?"

"The boys have to go back to London."




"Zayn said something about important things to do." She said leaning on the counter. "We're alone again." She said.

"They'll probably visit again," I said smiling at her.

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