Burnt Out

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You woke up to the regular starting sound of your alarm clock going off on your phone.

You grimaced, shutting it off immediately.

Monday morning.

You laid with your eyes closed for a while, slowly beginning to realise everything that was happening currently.

You felt a sharp pain in your chest, with a pang of realisation as to what the dilemma was.

You were so done with everything and all the emotions you were feeling at this point.

You unlocked your phone, clicking onto Alex's messages.

No response.

You felt your heart ache, you felt like your relationship was at one of its low points. But, what could you do? The more you tried to fix it and the more effort you put in, the worse you were making it for yourself.

You wanted to cry a little, but you decided you didn't have the time.

You didn't bother texting him 'good morning'.

You then noticed a text from Peter.

You felt another pang of pain in your chest, with all of the confusion, lying and betrayal.

You opened up the new message and began to read it.

Your curiosity was sparked and your eyes widened as you began to read:


"I just wanted to say that I missed you a lot this weekend. I've actually found out a lot of things this weekend, while I was gone and I thought I should let you know, whenever we have the chance, maybe after school we can talk."

You felt your heart begin to race again.

Did Peter know? Did he figure it out? Even after all that had happened? Did Tony tell him?

You shot up, gripping a fistful of hair and tugging at it.

You felt your heart rise up to your throat. You didn't know what to do at this point.

You were almost one hundred percent convinced that Peter knew your secret.

I don't know what to do anymore.

You didn't know who you could talk to, you didn't want to call Tony Stark or Happy, because they wouldn't understand the reasoning behind your situation.

You just felt extremely lost, defeated almost and mainly tired. You were tired of feeling guilty and tired of feeling like you were always lying to your friend Peter. Your Peter.

You sighed, finally releasing your hair, a few pieces of it slowly falling down, due to the fact that you gripped them so tightly, that you ripped them out.

You began to type back,

"Hey. Yeah, for sure we can talk later. I think there's something I wanna tell you too."

You hit send, ready to kiss your friendship goodbye.

"I'm not feeling all too well, right now. I think I'll just skip first period and go straight to second. Don't wait up for me, I'll just see you at Lunch."

You pressed send again and shut your phone off.

You swung your legs over the bed, got up and got ready for school.

Meanwhile, Peter on the other hand, had pressed snooze about three times already.

It wasn't until Aunt May came through the door and told him he was running late, that he actually got up.

Peter sat up, reaching for his phone, eyes still groggy.

He realised he had a response back from you and he felt a bit more awake.

Peter clicked on the message, reading it.

He felt a mixture of panic and curiously stir in him.

'I want to tell you something too'? What do she want to tell me? Is she going to tell me what's wrong with her?

Peter stopped his racing thoughts for a second and hit a pause.

He sat there, trying to convey the possibility of his next thought.

Does she... does she maybe feel... the same way I do... about her?

Peter didn't even stop himself from thinking that. He couldn't.

The thought of you confessing mutual feelings to him, was a dream come true and if there were even the slightest possibility, Peter didn't want to shut down that chance.

He read the second text, drowning a bit, not wanting to wait to see you.

Peter began to type a response,

"I'm sorry. :/ Hope you feel better by then. Let me know if there's anything I can do."

Peter hit send, his eyes shifted to the time and he realised that he really was late.

He jolted up, starting to get ready for school.

Before Peter knew it, he hopped onto the bus, a slight spring in his step.

Peter Parker was more than ready to hear what he had been wanting to hear the past month, now.

He sat on the bus, earphones in his ears. Peter mentally ran through the possible situations that could happen after school.

Peter practiced what he'd say in each of those situations.

He went over every possibly scenario.

Unfortunately, Peter didn't prepare himself for the reality of the situation.

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