Chapter Five

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Lady Galvin lays in bed feeling Alvis's arm draped around her holding her close as she stares forward, thinking to herself. she shifts hearing the door jilt and a peasant girl motions to her. she fidgets out of Alvis's hold and walks forward into the hall meeting the girl as the girl motions down.

"a message my queen." she eyes the envelope with the Galvin seal and motions out to he girl who walks away from her Queen. she sits slowly on a small bench in the hall and opens the sealed envelope reading the words. she closes it over and tucks it into her clothing.  Slowly the queen walks out into the gardens and eyes a man standing there as she slowly makes her way towards him. she stops inches away and eyes him over as she asks. 

"what is it, Ruck?"

He bows his head deeply to his Queen and she stares him down asking.

"what does Alvis's little pet want?"

"only to serve the throne." He gets to one knee and looks up at Lady Galvin with a smile and she turns her head asking.

"plotting smile? you had the same smile when you asked to be placed on my brother's duty. so what exactly do you want Ruck?

"to inform as a Reaper should."

"hardly a Reaper..."

"yes well, I wish to inform you about Alvis's deceit..."

"that's all this family does is backstab, murder and rape" She sits slowly on a bench in mid-Garden and Ruck stands closeby and whispers.

"do not consummate this marriage, my lady. he will push the right to rule onto you tomorrow and you will be powerless.."

Lady Galvin remains quiet and Ruck asks.

"is it too late?"

"we agreed we would tomorrow to celebrate. why would you betray Alvis like this?" 

"my lady years serving him, the coverups, the rapes, murders, and the innocent people without remorse. you, you aren't bad. you wish to change this world, and could"

Lady Galvin sits there thinking over his words and glances up asking.

"don't pretend to care about woman's right in the monarchy-" 

"hardly and I would never pretend to but I see opportunity. I am not dumb enough to step away from it."

He bends down close to her and whispers.

"give me the title I deserve and I will be sure Alvis keeps his place-"

"you? a whore's son the very whore who betrayed my father's trust-"

"he raped her daily. she killed herself to get away. it was barely a betrayal just her only way out-"

"and what did that do for you?" Ruck looks to the floor and he shakes his head.

"it made me strong I endured father's hate and did as I was told. I earned my place as a Galvin."

"did you?" Lady Galvin gets to her feet and Ruck takes a step back afraid of the firstborn daughter and she turns her head asking again.

"silly boy, you think you have earned anything? not true you were given it out of pity for sure but earned?"

Ruck stands there and she fixes his nice clothes as she comments as she stares over the young man in his fine navy blue clothing and whispers.

"you're just a toy for our amusement. Alvis played with you quite often didn't he?  your so nieve I bet you didn't even get it. what he was doing to you?"

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