Episode 7: A Tisket, A Casket, I'm Gonna Blow a Gasket (🇧🇷 ➤ 🇷🇴)

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Sammy's POV

We received our next tip from the Don Box and I read it, "Make your way to Dracula's Castle in Transylvania. Oh boy..." I frowned at the location.

Sarah and I shared a look of fear at each other.


Don's POV

"Transylvania. Transylvania," I said with fake vampire teeth in my mouth. I immediately spat them out so my words are understandable.

"Transylvania, home of majestic mountains, old Saxon architecture, and the birthplace of everything scary. Teams must travel here, to this castle, to receive their next tip.


Sammy's POV (cont.)

"Come on!" Sarah ran toward the shuttle bus and I quickly followed behind. Much to their dismay, the Ice Dancers were angry that all the teams were allowed on the bus. It's a bus, for crying out loud! They're supposed to take multiple people.

"What is this strange feeling?" I heard Crimson ask her partner.

"I fear it may be... happiness," Ennui answered.

That wasn't the only eventful thing that happened. Apparently, Joseé wrecked another half of the set... again since all of us were taking the same bus to the airport. Amazingly, she raged herself out and slept on the bus.

After getting to the airport, we sprinted toward the front of the line to get our tickets until Stephanie forced Ryan into throwing her at the front of the line, making us duck.

When we touched down, the seven other teams and us raced out of the airport. Immediately we were greeted with rain and thunder at the top of the castle from a perched hill. All of us, except the Goths, were terrified.

"Wow, Dracula's castle is even scarier in person," I commented with wide-eyes along with Sarah, who shook her head in agreement. We started running up the hill ahead of the three teams. The Cadets had just passed by us on the way to the top.

MacArthur sped by the Ice Dancers on the way up, "Move it!"

Joseé glared at her and gained a devious smile. Oh boy, you know that's a bad sign, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there!" She pushed Sanders back down the mountain, tripping up Dwayne and Junior, while Sarah and I barely managed to get out the way in time.


MacArthur turned back to the situation, "Officer down! SHOTS FIRED!" She tackled at the dancers taking them downhill. I jumped over them, while Sarah front flipped out of the way.

"Think those Ice Dancers might be a threat?" I asked her while running.

"They are already," She answered back.

We raced to the Don Box where the Daters had just started celebrating... or at least Stephanie was, "YEAH BABY! First ones here!"

I cleared my throat, "Uh, tie?"

She had wide-eyes," WHAT?! How did you two catch up?"

Sarah replied, "We're cheerleaders. We have athletic ability."

"Wait a minute, how are we the first ones here?" Ryan questioned, "The Goths were ahead of us."

I shrugged, "Well, Transylvania is the birthplace and home to many of the so called sacred goths so... yeah."

"EAT OUR MUD, CHEERLEADERS!" Stephanie had called back to us while she and Ryan ran ahead to the next challenge.

Sarah raised an eyebrow and shook her head at her, "She really needs to loosen up," The other teams at that time had arrived while I took the next tip, "It's an All-In."

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