Chapter 5 ✨

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So far away

❄️Nobody POV❄️

Another night and Woojin can't sleep again. He's been sitting on the couch and watching some random series on the TV. It is past 11 pm and his eyes still refuse to close, although he obviously does feel tired. He knows he needs to sleep. They have dance practice tomorrow and if he doesn't get enough sleep he definitely won't concentrate and he'll be scolded again. And the words Minho told him last time still hurt him.

After a while he stops what he's been doing and goes to check if the others are sleeping. Though he knows they wouldn't care, he still does. He still wants to look after them. Another reason why the boy was made of gold, but nobody recognizes. Not even him. He thinks it's stupid to do so, but it's solicitous and also kinda humane.

All the members are sleeping, well, most are. Except for Chan.

❄️Woojin POV❄️

I know where Chan always stays at night. But he needs to rest a little and to sleep. He can't make a live only from coffee, so I decide to tell him that he needs to sleep. Surely he knows, but maybe I can achieve something when I tell him that it's already pretty late and we have to dance tomorrow. And maybe I can sleep after my intention, too.

So I make my way to the studio, where I can find Chan, producing songs.

"Chan, it's late."
At first he doesn't answer me. He doesn't even look up to me, it's just as if I'm not there. But then he responded with an annoyed voice.
"You're still here. You really need to sleep."
"Oh come on, Woojin. It's you who needs to sleep."

And at first I thought he would care about my health. It really seemed like that, but I was wrong. Because his next words hurt me so badly.

"You're the one who has problems with the choreography. We don't want to see how it will be if you don't get enough sleep. So care about your own shit."

I can't believe it. I can't believe that he said those words to me. The so called best leader.

And damn it hurts. It feels just like he kicked me in my stomach multiple times. I can feel tears streaming down my face, burning on my cold skin. My feelings aren't clear anymore, there's only a mixture of sadness, hurt and also a little bit of anger. Anger because he doesn't even know how I feel and how much I would do to be such a multitalented person like him. He's still not looking up from his laptop screen. Doesn't he know that his words shattered my heart, again? Or doesn't he care about it?

But the most hurtful thing isn't that he just doesn't care or know. It's the fact that he's right. I would laugh about it if it was a lie. But it isn't like that. He hit the black with his statement. And I know it's true. I know I'm far from perfect...

There's no problem for him to dance perfectly without sleeping a single hour, but for me there is, although I slept about ten hours.

At last he looks up from his goddamn laptop and his gaze turns to me. But his expression softens, probably because of all those tears.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that."

"But you were right. I need to sleep more than you. I'm already a burden when I slept enough."

"No it's not like that I just-"

"It is like that. You just told me the truth, a leader should do so."

I turn around and leave, ignoring my tears, ignoring Chan's voice behind me.

"But Woojin I was-"

I slam the door shut and walk to the dorm, to my room, crying.

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