Chapter 19 ❄️

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❄️Winter flower❄️

Dance practice.
Normally I don't like those days when we need to dance because I'm still the worst dancer. And that means that I'm getting scolded all the time. But today is different. Maybe I'm really making progress. Looks like those many, many hours of practicing alone were worth it.

Although we're doing well, we all are, Hyunjin and Minho look so stressed. I know we don't have that much time anymore, but it's still enough. There's no need to be stressed. And nevertheless they seem to be kinda overloaded and also a little worried. Especially Hyunjin, and only ten minutes later we find out the reason why...

Jeongin shouts loudly. We all run to Hyunjin who's laying powerless on the ground.

"He passed out. I'm gonna call the emergency"
Chan tells us before walking out of the room with his mobile phone.

And then it felt like the time went much faster than before, almost as if we were in a time lapse. We drove to the hospital and waited outside of Hyunjin's room.

That's the moment when it seems to me like the time goes by too slowly. We're waiting, everybody's too nervous, too worried. We all are so worried about him, though the doctor told us that he will be okay because he didn't stop breathing, not even for a second, luckily.

Every minute feels like an hour, and every hour feels like five. It's so quiet, no one wants to talk, no one even clears his throat. Everybody is too deep in thought and too worried.

After two and a half hours the doctor comes out of the room, walks towards us and tells us that he's awake now. We can see him and after another hour he can go home again. His condition is good now and it was just a light fainting. We just need to take care of him, make sure that he eats much, drinks enough and sleeps well. But tomorrow he can do sports again, so we can go ahead with the dance.

We thank the doctor and enter the room, all of us. Hyunjin greets us with a smile.
"Sorry about that, I was just feeling so weak all of a sudden and then everything went black"

"You don't need to apologize, Hyunjin, it's okay. We can go ahead tomorrow" I tell him and Chan nods approvingly.

We're staying with him for the next hour, just to make sure that his state doesn't get worse. But everything seems fine, so we go home.

At home Chan's making ramen because we were told that Hyunjin needs to eat something, although he says he's not hungry. We just want the best for him. And I know that he knows this, that's the reason why he eats, for us, as he said.

"I'm tired, I go to my room and lay down a little. Thank you again"
Hyunjin tells us before disappearing.
He leaves me and Chan alone in the kitchen.

I finish doing the dishes as I feel someone back hugging me.

"I'm also so worried, I know there is something else, something he doesn't tell us."
I just nod.
"But besides that, how are you feeling?"
He whispers against my neck and that makes my heart beat about a thousand times faster.

"I'm okay. Don't worry, Chan" I lie.
"I know that you're lying. But it's okay, you don't need to tell me. I just wish I could help you."

Why is my heart beating so fast? Why can I feel a tingle in my belly? And why is there a warmth in my chest? Twitching like a flash through my whole body...

"I wish I could take it all away, the pain, the hate. I wish I could stand by your side, so it will get easier to you."

"Chan, what exactly do you mean?"

He sighs. Then he kisses my head. And there's that warmth again...

"I'm gonna look after Hyunjin"
He tells me before leaving, without giving me an answer...

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