The dream

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Sapphire POV~~~

Where am i?,how do i even get here?,i look around me seeing only huge flat ground that looks like theres no end with think white cloud around me.Am i dead!!??,nononono! i cant be dead now!!,i just turn 17 and i got lots of things to do with my life yet!!.

I decide to walk around a bit,just when i about to make a first move...i realise that im not a human,i scan my body and only saw bright white fur.My eyes was widen.I look around me in panic try to find any sort of mirror.Then, a pool suddenly appeared beside me,yeah that work too.I move closer to the pool try to see my reflection,and when i did....i saw that im a white wolf!!.I try to scream but for some reason i cant do it.I turn around and saw a black cloud moving towards me.I dont know why but i didnt feel scared or angry,instead,i walk closer to that cloud.

When i inch closer to that cloud.It suddenly vanish turn into the other white cloud leaving a black thing in the middle.My vision finally cleared and that black thing turn's out to be a black wolf.The wolf had this glowing red eyes staring at me that i cant get off from my eyes.Its not angry stare just....a lovely one.It walk closer to me and i doing the same,i dont know why i do it it just feels like the right thing to do.When our face inch closer we stop,we could feel each other's breath.

Then for my suprise,we rest our  forehead to each other.It's fur very soft yet so warm.We stay like that for it feels like forever and i wish it never end.It feels like im home.

"I promise i'll find you,and we could be reunited again...",a voice speaking that i believe that black wolf were the one who speak."I'll see you Luna"

Then suddenly,he vanish into black clouds.I run to look for him.Where did he go?!.I then heard a sound that become louder each sounds alarm!!



"Sis!,wake up!we have to go in an hour!",the voice of my little sister yelling at my ear make me open my eyes tiredly."Come on,sis!its 7 in the morning!we need to go now",she still jumping on my bed.

"Okay,okay,im up now.Can you atleash get down so i can go to shower,Paddy.She finally get down and walk out from my room.How did she get inside in the first place anyway?i swear i lock that damn door last night.

I stand up from my bed and strecth my body.I walk to my shower and turn on the tap to a cold water.Some people prefer warm one in the morning but i kinda like the cold,what can i say its refreshing.I button off my PJ and step in to the bathtub.I turn on the shower and let the water hit my face.

Then the dream come back to my head.The dream....that black wolf...his soft and warm fur....his voice...why i miss that?....why i feel this way?...i-i mean its just a dream right?there not more than that.I touch my forehead like where he rest his.I close my eyes try to return the feeling....the feeling when i with the black wolf.

"I'll see you Luna"...that voice keeps playing in my head.

I jerk up by the sound of the door been smash."Sis!what takes you so long in there!,hurry up i need to pee!",she keep smashing the door.Why,...why she needs to be so annoying in the morning.

"I only inside for like 10 minutes,Paddy!!",i yelled."What 10 minutes?.Check out your damn clock sis you been there for 40 minutes!!get out from your head already!!",i check my watch and true i been in here for 40 minutes.I quickly got out,warp myself in my blue towel and dry myself up before open the door.

"What the heck you even doing in there?",she said while going inside my bathroom."Why the heck you even using MY bathroom,you got your own!!"."But yours had big mirror",she replied as she closed the door."What the-,YOUR PEEING WHY YOU EVEN NEED A MIRROR FOR THAT!!"."Non of your business,sis.Now go dress up and let me pee in peace!!".I groan as i walk to my closet.

Be my Luna,SapphyWhere stories live. Discover now