One hell of a day

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You guys probably notice i've deleted one chapter right?,well its because i was a total idiot and maybe only had three brain cells left that time i write it.It was completely out of the original storyline i made.I tried to recreate it.Anyway,back to the story hope you guys enjoy the double update!


(1 week later)

Sapphire POV~~

'Beep! beep! beep! be- click!'

I press the snore button and groan flooping my face back to the pillow.After a while i finally got my face out of the bed and sit up stretching my body until i heard a satisfying crack on my back.I lazily drag myself to the bathroom and get myself clean.After like 20 minutes of bath i warp myself with a towel and step out from the bathroom,walk to my wardrobe and choose my outfit.After i fully dreesed,i comb my hair then put the comb inside my bag just in case my bangs start to rebelling and make fool of myself.I grab my bag,phone and the necklace that Ruby gave me.I went out from my room and go down floor straight to kitchen.

"Morning sis!",I saw Paddy already sit there eating her apple with mom cooking our breakfast."Morning Paddy,morning mom",i smiled and sit on my chair.

"Wow dont you felt cold wearing that?I mean today's tempreture kinda low",she look at my outfit.She's not wrong,it is felt a bit cold today but its not a problem for me.

"No i felt kinda okay with it.I mean, the cold never bother me anyway(😂😂😂sorry i had to)",i laughed and im sure she rolled her eyes behind her bangs.

"Anyway,Sapphire do you felt like weird today?",she finish eat her apple and throw it away to the trash can start getting serious."What do you mean?",i raise my eyebrow."I dont know like...i get a felling like something happen last night but i cant put a finger on it",she put a finger to her chin and humming."Now that you mention it..i do felt like it..what do you think,mo-",i was about to ask mom but she quickly put our pancake infront of us.

"W-well,i think its just your dream playing with you..d-dont overthink about it too much.You two must had a busy day today so dont stress yourself with it,okay girls",she stuttered which making me confuse but i shrugged it away knowing she had a point.We quickly eat our breakfast but i still got to notice that dad isnt here.I didnt see dad's shoes earlier so it only means he's already out.

"Why is dad go out so early?i thought he got his day off for the week",i ask her.Mom flinch a bit,"O-oh!yes he is but..uhh h-he had something to deal with so he's not gonna be here for a while..",she said.

I was about to ask her whats wrong but i was already been drag by Paddy outside,"Come on we dont want to be late and today your turn driving.Bye mom!love you!",she said.


Arrive at the school,we went to our locker,"Hey,have you notice mom had been acting weird?",i open my locker and put my bag,"She look nervous of something this morning..",i sound a bit suspisious

"I notice that too,but hey maybe she just tired and all moving stuff from boxes",she replied closing her locker.I was about to said something when two strong yet soft arms swing embrace me.

I chuckled,"Ruby,what are you doing?",i look at him at my shoulder.He just replied with a tired groan while he bury his face to the bacl of my neck.I shivered when i felt him take a deep breath at my neck.

"I miss you",his voice sounds like he had been waking up all night.

"You meet me yesterday",i turn my body to face him placing my arm around his neck and peck his nose.

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