Hunting Frosts

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Okay,im done with fluff!!,its time for ANGST hahahaha *evil laugh*😈😈😈😈😈😈

Somewhere at one of Homeworld's hideout~

"Great work,Emerald.Things got much more easier with this Bluemoon ring in our hands",a woman sitting on her desk said as she admire the ring on her finger.

"I did what you want,so how about mine?",Emerald standing infront of her not leaving her glare.

"Oh,we did that..",she said not leaving her eyes off the ring,"but..unfortunely my beta report to me that they didnt find anyone in the house that night",this leave Emerald's eyes widen.

"What!?theres no way she know about my plan!.Yellow we have an agreement!!",she growled clenching her teeth.

Yellow look at her betas and nodded.Her two betas get the signal and grab Emerald on each her arms.Just before she could transform and beat them,one of them quickly slam something metalic at the back of her neck and just a second she been collared.She tried to shift but only receive a failure and a zapped.

She scream in pain and fall to her knees while smokes coming out from her body.The betas grab her hands and handcuffed behind her.

"Y-you..",Yellow shush her up.

"When i said im a woman with my words i mean it.But i cant stand it when people lied to me",her face turned a bit pissed.Emerald is confuse what is she talking about.

"You said the person you want us to hunt is just a pathetic little human..but from what my betas inform to me that this..",she check the files on her hand,"..Sapphire Frost is the future Alpha of Crystal Flame's mate",she glare back at Emerald who is now scared."She's the future Luna and you didnt tell me,you little traitor",Yellow growled and slap her.

"Wait! i-i can explain!",Yellow stond up and wait for her to continue,"The reason i didnt tell you that because i didnt see the reason why i should be if she's gonna die anyway.If she died,there's a high chance i'll be the future Luna and-",Yellow growled and grab her neck which she couch at.

"Now,now...i hate it when people gave me some shitty excuses.But,i have to thank you too",she let her fall down and coughing as she gasp for air.

"Now i know that pack had another weakness,might as well make my moves",Yellow look at her Betas."Put this girl into the cell,i get a feeling she'll be a great use later"

They nodded and drag Emerald to the cell.

Yellow walk to her office's window and stare at her pack activity.She click her watch and call her sister.

"Blue,i have a very interesting news...but first i need you to prepare a team for a hunt job..."


Third POV~~

Sapphire's dad,Romeo,is on his office working as the police officer.He was doing his normal duty when he suddenly felt something,he closed his eyes to confirmed it then open his eyes widely.

He grab his phone and quickly call his wife.

"...hello!,Coral listen to me you have to leave the house immediately!",he said.

"Why?is something wrong?"

"Yes!,bring everything you need and take Onyx to mom's house like as fast as possible!",he pacing back and froth right now.

"Okay okay i just ne-",Romeo didnt hear the rest when he heard a sound of window crashed from outside his office.He quickly duck down and hide from what ever happen out there when he heard a gun shots probably from his police's friend.He want to join them but he know he must protect his family first.

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