I know the past

128 4 18

Ruby POV

I slowly gain back my consciousness as I flutter my eyes open.But it caught me off guard when I saw i wasn't in my room,instead of been greet by the softness of my mattress,I'm found myself laying under a pile of leaves that form a nest.By the looks and scents,it somewhat a breeding nest for werewolves.

Just the fact of me laying on the nest making my face redden.And at the same time filled with questions,where am I?. The wall and floor of rocks making me guess that I am somewhat in a cave.Why am I laying on this nest?I thought werewolves didnt use leaves anymore for a breeding nest and change it into bed and mattress.Why am I here?,that one is not that I can answer right now.

I groan and slump my head,then I realize something....I had beard,...this isn't my body!!.I panicky sit up and reach my hair,"What happen to my beautiful curly hair!?,and why the fuck is it straight and brown!!?",I then analize my other part of body.All of them is completely not mine except my scent it still the same and I'm sure who ever body I'm in now is not 17 years old.

The scents that attach to the nest is what I notice next,its the mix scents of me and...Sapphire .

Eventhough her scents always had its way to calm me i still had questions in my head that only appearing even more questions.

Once I calm down,decide to look around at wherever am I trying to find any sort of clue for my situation here.But just when I'm about to stand up I caught up a scent getting stronger as the sound of dried leaves been stomp getting closer.

'Someone's coming',I thought in my head.

I ready myself to defensive position but quickly been stop by my own body as if telling me not to when I inhale another deep breath of the scent.My body start to ease down and relax my muscles as I sit back down and took another breath of the wonderful scent making my eyes flutter.

It's Sapphire's scent but this time it has strong effect on me like it control me in a good way. It's the same as the first time I caught it but what makes it different now it that it had a mix of mine like we had-.....no way...it can't be..

I open my eyes back and look at the entrance of the cave.My heart start rapidly beating,but to my disappointment the person I want to see isn't the one that entered.Instead,its a woman I didn't know.

She had a long white hair flowing behind her,her hazel orbs land on me and instantly form a small smile on her round face.

I don't know why....she's completely different from Sapphire but...there something that I don't know what making me felt otherwise.

'She's not Sapphire but..',I inhale back to make sure my nose isn't  playing with me.'She had my mate's scents...how?'

The woman probably saw my confusion because what she say,"Love,is there something wrong?is the necklace calling again?"

I raise my eyebrow and look down,my eyes widen when I saw the  necklace she talking about.Its glowing bright red at the eye.I grab it with my left hand and stroke the eye with me thumb.I was too focus at the necklace I didn't notice the woman took a seat behind me and rest her head at my shoulder then kiss my neck that send me shivering .I turn at her and notice her neck had a mate mark much to my suspection.

Who ever this woman is...she had my mate mark and I'm sure I had her's at the spot she kiss me few second ago.I aspect a feeling of betraying my real mate but none came.What's going on!?.

I heard the woman sighed and look down,her right hand reach my left one "Love,if you still worried about the war. I just want you to know that whatever happens,I'll stay by your side. And...if this is really our last fight...",her voice cracked at the last one as she rub my left palm with her right thumb,"Our wolves will find each other and reunite us in our next life just like last time",she sniffed as her eyes began to watered.

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