V (Griffin x Kio)

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"falling in love"
griffin x kio

🌞✨🍯"falling in love"griffin x kio

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kio's pov:

everyday i began to like griffin more and more.

the way he treated me was so sweet. and i couldn't get over the videos we made together.

i watched each of them about a million times already.

he was just so cute and kind, i truly wondered if he felt the same way about me.

i had just made a tik tok with the sound about falling in love, and it was definitely about griffin.

the funny thing about it was his comment though.

"just tag me already." i read aloud to myself.

i wondered if he meant that or if it was only to get the fans going.

when he suggested that we started making more videos together and become the "new duo," i hadn't completely realized what i was getting myself into.

i didn't ever predict that creating this duo would turn into having real feelings for him.

how could i not though? it was griffin.

speaking of griffin, he had just asked me to get his phone out of his room for him while he edited a video.

i searched through his room for awhile, and my fingers wrapped around something that felt like a small book underneath his pillow.

even though i knew i shouldn't be looking through his things, i couldn't help myself.

once i pulled the book out, i came to find that it was actually a diary.

i laughed to myself. i didn't think griffin, of all people, would keep a diary.

although this would be interesting to have, then i could blackmail him into doing my chores for me.

of course i actually had to read the diary first. to see if there was anything that griffin wouldn't actually want the rest of the boys to know.

we basically already knew everything about one another, so i couldn't really think of anything.

but who knows? maybe he had some deep secrets he hadn't revealed just yet.

i slowly opened the cover of the diary and was surprised to find that it seemed quite worn down.

he must have had the diary for quite some time now.

but once i read the first word my eyes widened in surprise.

it was my name.

griffin must have been talking about all of the boys, i just happened to be the closest to him so he mentioned me first.

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