XV (Griffin x Kio)

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"thank you"
griffin x kio

🧿💤🚹"thank you"griffin x kio

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WARNING: mentions of suicide

WARNING: mentions of suicide

WARNING: mentions of suicide

3rd person pov:

"you promised! you fucking promised me that you wouldn't do this to me, griffin!" kio was crying steadily now, his voice shaking with raw emotion.

griffin had his head hanging between his shoulders. he couldn't bare to look his fiancé in the eyes. he was disappointed in himself.

"y-you told me...you said he was just a friend! you said i had nothing to worry about! how could you, griffin? how could you fuck another man in the bed that we slept in together? why did you lie to me? i told you not to lie to me!"

kio stared at griffin, the pain visible in his eyes and body language; his hand clutched at his chest as though his heart was physically hurting.

griffin finally found the gall to look up at kio and immediately regretted his decision.

he couldn't bear to think about the fact that he was the cause of such pain.

he cringed at his own selfishness. "i know, kio. i don't know what to say...i'm so sorry."

kio glared at his fiancé.

"am i not enough for you? did i do something wrong? what were you lacking? you should have told me so i could have fixed it!"

"no, there's nothing wrong with you! it wasn't anything you did. i was just...i slowly lost feelings for you as i got to know anthony. it had nothing to do with you, it was me."

kio felt his heart tighten and put a hand over his mouth as bile rose to his throat.

this had to be some horrible nightmare, right?

not only had griffin physically cheated on him, he had been emotionally cheating as well.

kio didn't know which one hurt the most.

"why didn't you tell me, griffin? why didn't you just tell me that you were falling out of love? why did you even propose? you said you would never leave my side, that you wouldn't hurt me..."

kio had gone from yelling to whispering in a matter of seconds. he almost didn't want to hear the answers for the questions he had asked.

griffin hung his head again, "i was scared. we had been together for so long that i never imagined that this would happen. i really did love you kio, please don't ever doubt that. and i proposed because it felt like the right thing to do after being in a relationship for four years. i wanted to marry you."

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