XI (Josh x Anthony)

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"imma flirt"
josh x anthony

💄💋👠"imma flirt"josh x anthony

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anthony's pov:

"how do you flirt?"

i tilted my head in curiosity, waiting patiently for jaden to respond.

he choked on his water, patting his chest to clear his throat. "w-what?"

i giggled at his small episode, not understanding why the question had been so surprising to him.

and then jaden lifted his eyebrow at me as if to urge me to elaborate, causing me to blush in embarrassment. i couldn't just confess to him that i had a crush on one of the boys in the house.

especially that boy being josh, one of his closest friends. it was practically like telling josh himself if i told jaden about it.

although it was also becoming very difficult to keep my feelings to myself. i needed to tell someone.

i took a few deep breaths as jaden studied me, probably trying to figure out why i had suddenly become so nervous.

after calling myself down, i finally found the courage to speak up.

"well...i like josh," i started, fiddling with my fingers anxiously. "and i wanted to know how to flirt so i can let him know without actually letting him know?"

once i was done talking, i lifted my eyes to see jaden's reaction.

he didn't seem too surprised. actually, he seemed more amused than anything else.

"i knew it." he said, his voice teasing and playful.

i tilted my head with a frown, my cheeks still tinted a light shade of pink.

"how did you know?" i inquired, squinting at him with suspicion.

he laughed and shook his head. "you're so obvious, ant. practically anyone can tell. i'm surprised josh hasn't noticed himself!"

"really?" i asked, blushing even deeper now that i had learned this piece of information. "why didn't you tell me?"

jaden grinned, "it was cute to see how you acted differently around him without even realizing it."

i rolled my eyes at him. of course he would answer with something like that.

"whatever. can you just teach me how to flirt? i'm really bad at it."

he sighed, setting his water down on the coffee table and fully facing me. "well, it's not necessarily a teachable concept...but i think i can give you a few pointers that worked for me in the past."

i nodded eagerly, showing jaden that i was all ears. "anything would help!"

jaden tapped at his chin, thinking of the best place to start the conversation.

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