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"Gonna crash...'ve got to...." 

Stumbling I leaned against a tree. The burning pain wracking my body signaled I didn't have much time before I lost it. That fight wasn't suppose to happen. I'd been on the move for the past year and doing so well even with being on the verge...but now...Dam It!! Jerking my head up to the sound of light foot falls I cursed silently. Someones closing in. They're tracking me. I needed to run but my legs gave out. Falling to my knees I scanned the scene before me. A large house in the distance sitting in the middle of a vast open yard with the tree line wrapped around. Can't run across and I can't go back. If I teleport that might send me over and I can't crash now! Not while I'm being chased! Think!

"You could just kill them and get this over with." A voice inside my head rang out.

Great. She's back. 

'Shut up. I don't need your two cents right now.'

"Fine then at least think about how they are following you."

'I've already thought about that! There has to be a tracker but...'

"Then remove it and hide!"

'I didn't really have time to look for it while I was running! My apologizes! Now Shut Up! I am trying to think!'

If I deactivate my morphing I could possible get some extra time before I crash. 

"They're getting closer." 

Ignoring her comment I continued my thought process. I can use this situation to my advantage, all I needed is...the tracker...ah here. Ripping it off my skin I held it while my form changed shape.

"Destroy it. They're practically on top of you!"

Gripping the tracker carefully, I spun to face my opponents.

"You can't fight right now! You're going to get us caught!"

'Be quiet and watch.'

Right before who ever was chasing me ran into my line of vision and caught sight of me I teleported behind them slamming my fist into the back of the closest skull then targeted the one with the black mask. Quickly darting behind him I grabbed his arm and flipped away from his incoming attack. Allowing him to jerk his arm out of my grip I slid his forearm device off. Then took off back into the trees again. I knew I couldn't out run them and two of their team members had hung back just in case I tried escaping through the trees. I could sense them easily, only a few meters in front of me. With a smirk I teleported to the cave I had turned into my home, knowing I left them far behind and very confused.

"What the heck? Why did you risk..."

Holding up the glove I stole, a small blinking light flashed back.

'If they don't figure it out I should be able to find out where their base is.'


'They are heroes. We might be able to use them as protection. But just walking up to the them and saying hey I would like to join your team so I don't have to use my powers to fight, doesn't strike me as something they would go along with.'

Thankfully she refrained from snapping back at my remark, meaning she was at least thinking about what I had set into motion.

'Glad you understand. Now I just need,' My vision grew dark, 'Come on! Please...not yet. I just need...' Stumbling further into the cave I collapsed as my consciousness was lost.

Robin POV

Who was that girl? I had gotten a tracking chip on her but with the actually device receiving the signal gone we couldn't track her.

"Artemis are you okay?" Wally crouched next to the blonde girl on our team checking her over.

"Yea she didn't punch that hard." She shrugged him off rubbing the back of her neck.

"Robin do you still have her signal?" Aqualad asked now seeing no one was seriously hurt.

"I would but she took the signal receiver." I commented holding my bare hand up. "She must have known I was tracking her."

"How do you think she knew? Telepathy?" M'gann questioned over thought speech before her and Conner came walking into sight.

"If she was a telepath why didn't she use that against us?" Superboy asked.

"We did go hand to hand and I really was the only one close enough to place one. So if she figured out we were tracking her, she most likely would have guessed it was me who placed it. At least that would be my thought process." I casually added looking around for my glove hoping she just smashed it and left instead of taking it with her. Batman was not going to be very whelmed I'd lost one of his devices.

"M'gann can you get a telepathic signal on them?"

Miss. Martian closed her eyes but soon shook her head. "No I still can't get anything on her for some reason. Some how I am being blocked."

"Okay let's get back to the mountain then and debrief." Our leader said hinting to M'gann to summon the bio ship to fly us home.

I hope we can see this new villain again. Not only because Batman and I'd been trying to track the girl but more because of how interesting she was. She didn't use powers yet still got away from us. Somehow has been able to evade the entire Justice League and not once had anyone gotten a good look at her. She had my curiosity peaked! I had so many questions for her. Though something struck me as odd. The last fight I just had with her. I couldn't quiet remember what she looked like. It was dark and she did move fast but I would have at least gotten a decent look at her. Yet almost like it was a dream I couldn't quiet make out her image. I know it happened. Was she really moving that quickly? Did she actually have powers we weren't registering? Unable to put my finger on it I continued to think about it as we flew back to base.

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