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Wonder POV

His smile was oddly calming which contrasted with the rise of anxiety at his next words, "People with memory loss are sad maybe a little irritated but're angry and...afraid. What hurt you?"

I've got to retake charge of this conversation! Taking a deep breath I calmed my frazzled nerves pulling myself under control, "What about you? You don't become an apprentice of one of the most feared heroes as a hobby."

"Changing the subject. Very nice."

"Avoiding my questions. Very nice." At my comment he laughed. It enticed me into my own smile.

"Why don't we get off personal topics? Let's try something else. Want to spar?" An outstretched hand greeted me with his words.

I hadn't sparred with anyone in a friendly battle for years. Would I even be able to? The last time we tried I froze. Stupid memories.

"If you don't freeze you'll go for the killing blow as soon as an opening occurs."

'I told you to stay out of...'

"Tell me to shut up one more time and I will make you kill him."

'Then continue to babble and I'll...' A piercing headache cut me off mid thought. Urgh!

Glaring at Robin I growled, "I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Come on Wonder. I've been curious about your fighting style and we didn't get to finish before." His hand never wavering. "We are going to be working together at least for the foreseeable future, might as well learn from each other. And this time its just us. I won't activate the room defenses so this would be just a friendly fight between the two of us."

I did want to spar. Finally see a fighting style that wasn't just for survival. I wanted to see if I could learn how he managed to float.

"Kill or not to kill. That is the question."

I can suppress her but...Taking a large inhale I allowed the constant dull pain to increase, washing over me to drown her, crushing her into a dark oblivion. With the tormenting agony flooding my senses it took a few more moments before I could answer him. 

"I would love to spar."

Robin POV 

At her answer I took her hand in mine preparing to lead her to the ring but suddenly I was being flipped through the air. I couldn't help but laugh as I bent and countered. This was going to be fun!

She brought her leg up to block my punch, an incredible feat of flexibility which is something even though I could do still found impressive. Once my attack was deflected, she snapped her leg out aiming for my head. Ducking I swung, striking at her planted leg. She saw it coming though and flipped backward, separating herself to a safe distance. 

She gave a grin, "Impressive. You're skills are..."

"Overwhelming?" I asked as we continued our battle.

"I wouldn't say overwhelming but..."

"Underwhelming?" I interrupted again with another punch.

"Do you ever let your opponent finish their sentences?" She asked with a laugh and a counter assault. "Is there anything in between those two?"

"Whelming. That would be whelming." I answered with a huge grin.

"Whelming, is that even a word?"

"Well it is the in between of those two first ones."

"I guess your skills are whelming then."

Hearing her use my signature word play sent an excited jolt through my core, "I'm enjoying this fight as well. That combo was crazy creative! Flipping off one leg that must have taken quiet a bit of practice."

My compliment made her giggle lightly, "You have no idea."

We continued the banter and our spar carried on.

Wonder POV

Our battle continued and I couldn't help but feel an enjoyment. Finally we both leapt away from each other panting, yet smiling.

Straightening I calmed my breathing and gave a small bow, "Thank you Robin. That was an awesome spar."

"You too Wonder!" His smile seemed to be contagious as I felt my lips wanting to turn upwards as well.

The adrenaline from our fight began wearing down forcing me to take notice of the pain I'd ignored. Giving him another quick bow I reluctantly made my retreat, "I'll be leaving to my room. Have a good night."

"You as well Wonder." I heard him shout before slamming the door.

'Take your pain back.'

"Like I have a choice. And you wonder why we don't get along."

'Maybe if you would cooperate I wouldn't have to...'

"Cooperate?! You want me to cooperate?! I'm locked in..."

"That isn't my choice!"

"Urg!" She screamed and a burst of searing agony shot through my skull causing me to stumble into the wall. After the pain though she remained silent.

"At least she's quiet." I mumbled using the wall as support entered my room. Flopping into my new bed I tried sleeping. Though as the adrenaline from the earlier actions faded the information I had crammed into my brain began seeping back into the forefront. Before the flood gates could break letting all the information come tumbling out I carefully started sorting through. Past missions, identities, villain bios, containment plains, building blueprints and even a few things documents I couldn't understand. Coded probably. Taking a sigh of relief I finally made it through all the downloaded data, filing it away for future use. The pressure was gone so I laid back down. 

Robin's information was in here. Finding the file with his code name I opened it studying it carefully. Richard Grayson. Black hair. 5'7'' Blue eyes. Hmm so that's what his mask hides. Romanian background so English isn't his first language like I thought.  Wow he really is fully unpowered. To survive against powered and be on a team with them is impressive...must be difficult. Part of the Flying Graysons...I'd heard of them when I was in Europe. Didn't they die? Ah here...he was so me...a small flutter danced across my chest. Breaking my concentration I sat up with a start. What was that? 

"That would be called a feeling. For being able to feel everyone else's, you sure are oblivious to your own."

"I do not understand. There is no reason."

"It's called a crush!"

"I don't have..."

"You looked at his file first."


"You are hopeless."

Shutting down this digital brain of data I sunk back to the mattress, closing my eyes letting my mind retrace the days events and then look to the future. I wonder what I've gotten myself into.

Robin POV

She left with a quick goodbye causing me to feel a small sense of loss. Glancing at the time I shook my head in surprise, "I don't know how long she was working out before I got here but to keep up with me after it she is quite the fighter. Her body showed signs of at least an hour of intense workout. The way her hands shook, the rips in her palms, even how she tried blocking more then attacking, how long? She must have overrode the camera somehow to delay the signal. It couldn't have only been fifteen minutes."

I guess I should tell Batman so he can fix that but she didn't cause any harm. Maybe this could be our little secret for a bit. Letting my thoughts wander further onto the previous subject I walked back to my room.

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