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Robin POV

Zatanna and I talked as we put away the few things she brought with her. She had already been mostly moved in before she left to try and find a way to bring her father back, a little over three months ago. I doubt she'd given up so I was sure her arrival had something to do with Batman. He had a way of convincing people to see things from his point of view. 

"There, all finished." She sighed dropping onto her bed.

Pushing the last magic text book into place I stood to face her. "Do you want to go hang out with the team now?"

Patting the space beside her, she gave me a gaze I couldn't quiet read, "I'd rather just talk with you. It's been months since we've seen each other and..." She paused now looking at me with tear filled eyes, "It's been so difficult loosing my dad."

I knew how she felt. At least from the loosing a parent point of view. Walking over I sat and gently pulled her into a side hug. "It's okay. I understand." 

"I know he's not dead and you must think I'm over reacting cause he is still alive but it hurts so much not being able to see him." She spoke softly resting her head on my shoulder.

"No! He's your father, your family. Him being taken away like this, it's as if he is dead. You can't see him or talk to him and I know what that feels like. Believe me I know what you are going through."

She shifted burying her face into my chest pressing her body close. "Thank you Robin. I knew I could count on you being here for me. It really means so much." Tilting her chin upward her eyes met mine. Twin tear paths glistened on her cheeks as her face rose closer to mine. I could feel her small pants on my throat, sending shivers up my skin. What was she doing? Heat rose as her actions continued breaths crawling upwards.

"Um Za..."

"Robin meet me in the lobby immediately." Batman's voice drummed into my skull.

Sudden relief filled me as I grabbed her wrists and stood with an excuse. "Sorry Zatanna, Batman calls." I motioned tapping my com before darting out, sprinting towards my intended destination.

She is hurting. That's all. I thought convincing myself with a shake of my head. Zatanna was beautiful but I didn't see her as anything more then a friend and a teammate. Right? I mean we did kiss but nothing ever went anywhere after and we chalked it up to her dad leaving, kind of a heat of the moment. We also really didn't have much in common and there were things about her that I never seemed to like. Her throwing herself at different people was one of those. Though I couldn't deny with her outfit she was quiet...appealing to look at. No! Focus! This is not the time to be thinking about that! Giving my head another furious shake I skidded into the lobby quickly finding my mentor.

Not that finding a man dressed as a giant bat would be difficult. I thought with a grin happily taking my mind off the previous subject.

"Yes sir?" I asked once within talking distance.

"Wonder asked if she was able to leave to pick up personal items. Do you know about this?"

"Oh yea she asked about picking up some of her belongings. We told her she would have to ask you. None of us really know what she is allowed to do or not do." I answered trailing off during the last sentence.


"Um I guess it just means we don't know how we are suppose to treat her. Does she have the same privileges as us? What can she do? Ya know things like that."

"I guess I wasn't clear when she was moved in. Wonder is part of the team. Treat her as such. She won't have access to the computers and you are keeping an eye on her but treat her how you would a teammate."

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