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I groaned sitting up gripping my throbbing head tightly. Taking a breath I took in my surroundings. I'm in my cave, nothing looks too destroyed, meaning my powers must be on the more mild side this time. 

Wonder what my powers are...

A small prick of excited grew a tiny smile. This was the only part about these crashes I would consider good or at least I didn't mind as much. Giving a sigh I slowly stood giving my wings a ruffle. 

"Please let me have morphing." I mumbled as I tried to change my features. Thankfully my feathered leather wings and tail slowly began to shrink along with my pointed teeth and ears. Horns disappeared and the black scars faded.

"So morphing. Perfect!" 

Before my thoughts got too far on my abilities I noticed the crushed device in my hand. 

"URG! That was my lead to..." I trailed off as the compressed mechanical pieces began reconnecting, stitching itself back together as an eerie glow shown from my fingers. 

"And apparently something to do with tech is another one."

"Wow I hadn't noticed." I hoped my dry tone would give her the hint to leave me alone.

"I just wanted to make sure. I know how stressful of a process this can be."

"I did notice that you didn't get control."

A heavy sigh came before her answer, "No it would appear not. I do feel a weakening though."

"You always say that."

"Solely because it is true."

 Knowing what she said wasn't exactly wrong I asked, "Would you please be quiet while I try to figure out what to do next?"

"Wow aren't you being polite. Finally learned how to respect your elders?"

"No but I was hoping you might listen if I asked nicely."

She gave an annoyed humph but did silence her voice. At a cost though, pain began to rise in my body more intensely then usual.

Grinding my teeth I muttered, "I'll give you a day."


"Only if you promise not to mess with anything I set up."

"If I knew you were going to be so compliant I would have asked for a week."

"I'll just start ignoring you if you don't take your two and drop it."

"Fine fine. Your bargaining skills still have not wavered I see."

"Always have to get the last word in don't you? Why can't you just shut up and leave me alone?" I cried out with pent up frustration.

"That might be a bit difficult. Ya know with the whole talking to yourself insanity look I'm going for."  With smug laugh the pain died down a bit and her voice faded.

"You aren't me." I muttered before turning my attention to the receiver. 

It was now fully fixed and a small blinking light indicated where the signal was coming from. I'll look into that soon but I really should find out what powers I do have before going out. Setting the device down I moved more towards the center of the cavern and let my mind wander.

After a few seconds I opened my eyes and noticed I could now see through the caves walls. Oh Great, x-ray vision. Not that I didn't like it but if I couldn't turn it off it would get annoying quickly. Blinking once more I tried regaining a normal vision scope. Nothing happened. Of course why would I be able to control it. Sighing I looked down at my now skeletal hands, making a fist. I guess it could be worse.

Attempting to find and control any other powers I had for the next hour I finally sat down.

"Morphing, Tech something, x-ray vision, sparkles and fairy wings." What a great combination. The sparks I could create from my finger tips burned my eyes due to the vision enhancement and the fairy wing were useless considering I already had wings. "Bright side, these wings disappear with a thought while I have to morph the others away. And none of them are randomly destructive so bonus."

Last thing to check...reaching for a sharp rock shard I slid it against my skin. Healing, I added to the list as the small cut quickly disappeared.

I don't know why I checked. I always had healing.

"It is your one original power."

"Fully aware."

"Seems slower then usual."

"It does often start out like that. Not that it really matters." The dull constant pain was a permanent reminder how fast I actually was healing.

"What is the plan you have with the tracking thing?"

"Unfortunately it's to join that team."

"What?! You risked getting captured just so you could..."

Not wanting her to continue chewing me out I interrupted, "I can't keep hiding, not while I know there is one of his creations still alive and closing in. With just freshly crashing I don't want to use my powers so this way I have powered people to back me up."

"What makes you think they will accept you?"

"They are heroes. They're trusting to a fault. And if I don't tell them I have powers it will be even easier. It's unthreatening. And this way I won't have to use mine if...when those stupid trackers come after me again."

"If you had just made sure to kill everyone back at the lab, we wouldn't be in this mess."

"I did! How was I suppose to know he'd created tracker beasts? I didn't stay there any longer then I had to and I didn't hear you complaining when I ran!"

"Calm down, so easily flustered. I guess we did get rid of the others."

Taking a deep breath touching the stone around my neck I calmed my riled nerves, "All that I know of except this fire one. Those heroes came before we could get rid of him and his handlers."

"You know that means the tracker will adapt. He'll be harder to beat next time."

"Hopefully that will be the heroes' issue and not mine this time around."

"Speaking of heroes, they won't be too happy about being used as personal body guards."

"I don't plan on telling them. They'll protect me without knowing it. And they have access to things I could never even imagine trying to steal." Giving a smile I stared at the device, "And with this tech power I shouldn't have much issue finding the information I need. And maybe we can even find a way to..."

"Don't get your hopes up."

"I won't but either way they have tools we can use."

"You are going to get us killed."

"If only." I grumbled fleshing out my plan.

Robin POV

"We stopped the robbery but all suspects got away. I take full responsibility for this failure." Aqualad bowed his head in shame.

"What did you learn?" Batman asked in his low voice.

"I should have focused on the problem at hand instead of spreading our team so thin," Kaldur answered after a moment of silence. 

Batman gave a nod, "Then it wasn't a complete failure. No one was hurt and you have learned something. You broke even." Turning he called over his shoulder. "Robin."

Crap I was going to hear about this. This was turning from aster to disaster very quickly. 

"Coming." Giving a small wave to the team I rushed to fall into step with my black suited mentor, "See you later guys."

"See ya Robin"

"Bye Rob." I heard only two farewells before the Zeta Tube transported me out.

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