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Robin POV

After the incident with Wonder, we were mission briefed and put through a light training session then given time to rest. I wanted to talk to Wonder about what happened but she ducked out as soon as we were released, saying she needed to make some last minute adjustments to the clothes.

"I can't believe she attacked you guys! I'm sorry I wasn't there to help." Zatanna shrilled angrily.

"You don't know the whole story Z." To my surprise Artemis defended Wonder with her answer as she cleaned her arrows.

"She still attacked. She could've hurt someone and Batman is just letting her walk around as if nothing happened!"

"Wonder's in her room." I added to the defense subconciously glancing at my pager.

"That's not the point! We don't know her nor do we know why she's here! She could be a mole trying to destroy us from the inside out and we're doing nothing!"

"Batman's looking into it. And I'm not one to go against the man in black." Wally gave a laugh before shoving another cake piece in his mouth.

My pager went off causing me to stand abruptly, excited for the excuse to leave, "I've been summoned. Got to go."

Making a hasty retreat from the gathering I rushed to Wonder's room. Her door sat wide open. This was unusual. Tensing for a fight I called out, "Wonder?"

"In here."

"Why's your door open?" I asked peaking into the room, seeing at her machine with her back turned to me.

"I have no other way to get in contact with you."

Giving a smirk I walked over to where she sat, "But how did you know just opening the door would get me here?"

"If the camera is internal only, that means it can't signal you when I leave. You seem to always show up when I leave my room so process of a reasoning says when I open the door you are told about it. Since there is no other way out of this room it would be the most logical answer."

"Ha wow you figured that out quick."

"It wasn't difficult."

Seeing my chance to ask her about the incident from this morning I took it, "Hey Wonder about earlier..."

"I need you to contact the rest of the team. Their clothes are done and I want to make sure everything fits."

Getting the hint she didn't want to talk about it I just did as she commanded.

Wonder POV

Once Robin contacted the group they soon filed into my room. Tensions were still high as I felt Conner and Zatanna's angry gazes trying to bore holes through me. I'd panicked, almost taking out the entire team. I couldn't have foreseen that living with these people would have triggered me so easily. Even when Batman had found me I still hadn't been able to snap out of my state of hysteria. I have to get back to my original mission. Find the tracker and dispose of him. Then I can leave. But with focusing so much on the upcoming mission I hadn't had the time to even begin looking. And now I had even higher suspicions on me.

"Just say it how we rehearsed and you'll be fine."

'I'm going to mess this up.'

"With that attitude you will. Normal people mess up and this is how normal people fix it."

Kelly coached me for the past couple hours how to fix the situation I'd created.

'Why didn't you stop me?'

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