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Thanks for taking the time to read my story! This is the first time ever doing this so comments are highly appreciated!

I don't own any of the pictures or DC characters.

The OC character I do own and you will learn more about her as the story goes on. Since you get to see both the team's pov and her's you'll learn more then the characters. It might get a bit confusing so I'll always try to explain anything that needs it a little more in depth. The biggest part is there will be two voices for the OC character. One in italics and the other normal. You'll learn the reason for this soon enough. Also to try and separate who she is talking to the quotations will change ' ' is for in her head " " is for spoken out loud.

Hope you enjoy!

I apologize for any mistakes. English is not my first language so some of the grammar or punctuation will be off. I am working with an english speaker so the slang and words should all be correct! If there is anything I can change please tell me!

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