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Robin POV

Opening the door to the gym I was greeted by a body flying through the air. Wonder! The uneven bars were under heavy use as she executed multiple moves in quick secession. Maybe we are more similar then I know. With her focus so deeply intrenched on what she was performing she didn't take notice of my presence. 

I wonder what has her so riled...

Her skin glistened with sweat and something inside me jumped. Long hair pulled back, loose strands plastered to her face and I could hear small puffs of breath over the creaking of the bars. She powerfully switched from low to high bar swinging up into a hand stand. Holding it for over a minute she let herself tip forward using gravity to send her into a cast. How long had she been here? I'd went looking for her as soon the signal went off. It looks like she has been here for well over an hour but the alarm had gone off no more then fifteen minutes ago. After a few more complex transitions she released, sending herself into an amazing dismount.

As soon as her feet planted firmly into the mat I stepped forward clapping, "That was amazing Wonder!" Surprise covered her face as she became suddenly aware of my presence.

"Wh..what are you doing here? How long have you been standing there!?" Her shriek laced with fear made me regret my abrupt entrance.

"I didn't mean to scare you. But the routine you did was captivating. You're really good. Where did you learn?" I hoped she would calm down enough to talk. Maybe I could get her to give up some information.

"I was taught." She quickly blurted out an answer.

Something she remembered? I had a feeling she never forgot but I definitely had her flying on impulse, enough for her to easily trip up, "By who? Why? Were you a gymnastics competitor?" 

"Yea, gymnastics competitions and stuff."

There was no way. Laughing lightly I took a few steps away and did a somersault into a flip and ended with a back layout. Throwing my arms up I did my salute and took a bow. "That's how a gymnast would end a routine, not into a fighting stance like what you did."

"It was just practice! Not a competition!"

"Even in practice a gymnast would have done a simple salute showing their routine was finished. Habit. It's a performers curse. Also I don't think you pointed your toes once. So?"

Wonder POV

Why did he have to be so nosy!? No one else asked so many questions! Not only was he curious but his observatory skills were off the charts. I would find them fascinating if they weren't so targeted at  me.

"Kill him and be done with it."

'Why is your first option to kill everyone? That wouldn't help!'

"We could try. You've done it before and its helped."

'Sure kill him and have an ENTIRE league of heroes to battle. Could you be any more brilliant in this situation?!'

"Just because you say you're unpowered doesn't mean you are. You could easily give them a run for their money...well a run for their lives would probably be better worded."

'I'm trying to figure out an actual solution!'

"At least we could finally have some fun after you trapped us in a cave for a year."

'We were hiding because You gave up our last position.'

"I was bored."

'Bored? You...'

My internal dialogue almost made me miss his question, "Where did you learn?"

Trying to focus on two conversations at once I blurted out an answer before I could even think through what I was saying, "I was taught." Why would I say that? He's going to ask more about this topic!

"By who? Why? Were you a gymnastics competitor?"

His question held the answer with in. Taking it I nodded, "Yea, gymnastics competitions and stuff."

He gave a laugh then took a few steps and performed a beautiful vault. It looked like he was flying as he gracefully flipped through the air, taking my breath away. It was amazing how without wings he still seemed to float. Landed lightly, he tipped his chin and twisted his arms up elegantly. He definitely was a performer of some sort I thought as he swept his body into a bow.

"That's how a gymnast would end a routine, not into a fighting stance like what you did."

If I hadn't been so frantic I might have guessed what he had done with his questions, twisting his words to get me to stick my own foot in my mouth.

Back tracking quickly I tried coming up with an acceptable answer, "It was just practice! Not a competition!"

His cocky grin got bigger as he moved closer to me, "Even in practice a gymnast would have done a simple salute showing their routine was finished. Habit. It's a performers curse. Also I don't think you pointed your toes once the entire routine. So?"

Stupid boy! Why was I getting so flustered with him? What do I say as my defense? How do I answer...Mentally slapping myself I noticed my fatal error. I'd told them my memory was no longer intact. That was all I had to say at the very beginning of this conversation. Now he had me and he knew it. Not only were his emotions radiating the pride he felt but his self satisfied smirk told me he was enjoying this word war a bit too much.

"I don't remember then." I mumbled a last ditch effort to end the conversation.

He laughed out loud, "I was wondering when that defense would come out."

I could feel my ears burning. Why did he have to be the one to find me?

Still smiling he walked over to a small rest area set up. Opening the mini fridge he grabbed two waters, tossed one to me and gestured to a chair. "That seemed like a pretty intense routine. Take a break." 

His backtrack in conversation caught me off guard, clutching the plastic bottle I hesitantly shifted over. This male confused me more then anyone had for years. Even with the information I had collected and this power of emotion reading I still couldn't figure him out.

"You're loosing your touch. It typically only takes you a few moments to know someone's entire life story."

'It doesn't help that I don't have my tele abilities.'

"Or you might be distracted."

Ignoring her, I cautiously sat down. 'If I'm going to stay here and work with him I've got to figure him out.' Opening my water I took a large sip, instantly noticing how thirsty I was and within a few seconds I downed the entire bottle.

"So why do you keep saying you've lost your memory?" He asked after politely waiting for me to finish my drink.

His question felt like a stab to my gut. 

"How's your investigation going?"

Gripping the bottle in my fist I crushed it giving him my answer, "Because it's true. Why would you think I'm lying?"

Robin POV

Her face fell at my question. What in her past happened that was so bad that makes her beautiful face dress itself in fear and lace with anger? It had to be the reason she would lie to us all. But what was it?

"Because it's true. Why would you think I'm lying?" Her words seethed, as if trying to burn her answer into my mind.

Trying to calm her I gave a reassuring smile, "People with memory loss are sad maybe a little irritated but you...your angry and...afraid. What hurt you?"

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