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Wonder POV

We finally arrived at the mouth of my cave and at the sight I took an excited inhale. Not that I particularly missed this cave but everything I owned was here. Forgetting about Robin I rushed in letting memory carry me in the correct direction. Mere seconds passed before I slid into the small alcove I called home for the past year. Scanning the dim cavern, my heart finally started beating again as my sight landed on my most prized possession.

A simple necklace. It had a firm braided cord holding a small emerald green stone. Smoothed on one side it had a name carved into its surface. A name no longer fully legible due to parts of it being heavily faded. I had worn this necklace for years and the constant thumbing over the rough carving had made it fade. Now only the first letter was the only part that really stood out.


It was my brother's name but he'd died a long time ago. I'd seen him get caught in an explosion while fighting to protect me.

"Not like even if it wasn't so faded you'd be able to read it."

She was right. Once I had gotten away from my captors I'd learned as many languages as I could to try and learn the marks etched onto the stone but none ever lined up.

'It doesn't really matter. I only ever called him K anyways. It just...just would have been nice to know his name.' 

"I doubt it even says his name. Probably gibberish for all you know."

Gripping the stone tightly I aloud the calming effect his gift had over me to seep into my tired mind.

"You act like it has magically abilities or something. It's just a stone."

'Right again. Look at you on a roll today.' I commented with a light hearted sarcasm not feeling the need to snap in answer. It truly didn't but this was one of the two things I owned linked with good memories. Though when I felt like everything was closing in, everything was going to implode and nothing could be done inside the chaos, this gave me something to hold on to.

Something to know not everything was bad.

A genuine small smile crept onto my face as I clipped the plain jewelry piece around my neck.

"Did you draw these?" The sudden voice made be jump. Who..oh.

Spinning I saw him holding my drawing pad, causally flipping through the flimsy pages.

"Don't touch that! You could break it!" I wanted to rip it from him but my hands paused right before then gradually moved closer taking the book with delicate fingertips.

"Sorry Wonder I didn't mean to scare you."

Gently setting my drawing pad back on its perch I began stuffing the rest of my minimal items into a bag. "Um no its fine. The book is just worn and old. Its been through a lot so it doesn't hold together very well." 

"I understand. I should have asked but you seemed to be lost in thought." Pointing to the book he finished with a question, "So did you draw those?"

I could feel a blush rising into my cheeks, "Yea, I found out a while back I have a natural knack for drawing."

"They're really good. I like the drawing of the chimera the best but the clothing designs are amazing as well. Is that what you want to do? Like as an actual job."

The way he asked questions with genuine curiosity caught me off guard every time. It made me want to talk with him. "Not really. It's more of something I enjoy doing as a hobby. I've never really thought what I would do in the future. I've been running so much I guess I assumed that would be my life."

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