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Wonder POV

Waking up with a slight jitteriness I tried figuring out why I was so nervous. Examining the video feed I checked and rechecked the actions. It'd all been corrected. Maybe the outfits? Glancing over at the five hanging outfits I made sure they were believable as if they were stitched not morphed and even touched up M'gann's design.


"What do you want?"


"Am I not bothering you enough?"

"No...I just...something's suppose to be wrong."

"Well the mission is tonight so I'm sure something will go wrong."

"How positive."

"I am quite positive that something will go wrong. Better?"

Letting the conversation end I glanced over my morph. Noting no features were bleeding through I changed my outfit to my normal bagging sweatshirt and tighter pants then pulled my thick hair back.

It's just a mission. I've done those before. We're helping people.

"Chill. You're making me nervous at this rate. You're just out of sorts because yesterday went so well for you." Her grumble told me she still held a grudge against my good fortune.

She's right. Yesterday did go really well, with the gain of passive powers, the cloth being ready, Kelly's time was up, my pain was manageable and I actually got some sleep, even ending with a patrol. So usually well and it's throwing me for a loop.

"Wonder breakfast is almost done if you would like to join us." A voice popped into my head instantly rising panic through the roof. Leaping into a fighting stance my eyes wide, looking around frantically for the body containing the voice.

"That was the green one. I'd recognize her annoyingly peppy voice anywhere."

She can't be reading my mind!

'Why are you in my head!?' My mind screamed through the open connection.

With my panic and anxiety rising far beyond my control, my body went into over drive defaulting to instinct. 

Sprinting out the door, down the hall to the kitchen everyone gathered jumped at the abrupt entrance.

'Get out!' The internally fired thought shot through the link with glaring furiousness at the mental attacker. M'gann hunched over, gripping her head tightly, Conner placed protective arms around her shoulders.

"You're hurting her! Stop yelling!" The young superman growled only adding to the overwhelming instinct. 

They know! They will hurt you! Destroy them first!

"Get her out!" The vocal shout sent the rest of the team into battle mode. Another screaming force rocketed through the closing connection sent Miss. Martian crumbling into his arms.

"Chill Wonder!" Artemis lined up with her bow pointed steadily for a kill shot. Kidflash stood to her left side. Aqualad to the right side. Superboy on M'gann's right. M'gann directly in front. 

Biggest threat. Superboy. Separate, Use and Eliminate him. Take advantage of Miss. Martian's confusion and recovery time.

Powers to use? Teleportation, Sparks, Ice, Skin Density. 

Plan of Action, Drop removing the arrow's danger, Over the counter kick Superboy to separate the couple, Sparks blind everyone, Ice Aqualad and Kidflash to remove third and fourth highest risks, Break Miss. Martian's neck, Use Superboy's rage to cripple systems and take out any other team member still active. Any damage will be lessened with Skin Density. Teleport away.

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