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Robin POV

Long dirty blonde hair framed a pale face and bright green eyes. The woman before me reminded me a bit of Black Canary with looks and age. Her costume though showed her body off for all to see more then our mentor as it had a low cut pastel bikini style outfit. Dark see through mesh connected the two pieces along with matching pastel colored thigh high tall boots, a pair of pixie wings and a simple domino mask completed the outfit.  I'd never seen her before and her powers, ice and electrical sparks, was a new combination. 

"Hidden well? The hide in plain sight only works if you keep a low profile and don't start fires."

She laughed, "I'll have to take your advice into consideration."

"Glad to help. Now would you mind telling me why you're turning this street into a public bonfire?"

"Since you asked so nicely of course. It's solely for the fun of it. You see I've been trapped for a while and I'm just stretching out the powers." With that she froze the building in front of her.

"Speaking of powers by any chance are you a friend of Killer Frost? Maybe Dr. Freeze?"

Her confused look answered my question before she spoke, "Who?"

"I'll take that as a no. Is there any way I could ask nicely for you to stop and turn yourself in?"

"Well aren't you just adorable but didn't you hear me say I've been trapped for a while? I am in no way going back at least for a bit. Asking nicely only works once."

She began walking towards me. There was no way I could take her on with the minimal information I'd gathered. 

Matching her step for step in the opposite direction I shot her a smile, "Hey it doesn't hurt to try. How would I have to ask to get to know your name?"

She paused then gave a laugh, "That's a great question!"

"What is it with people and not giving themselves names these days," I muttered.

"Let's see we could come up with something now." She shot me a look that made me shiver. "I mean you are cute enough I wouldn't mind anything you decide to call me."

"What about 'Turn Yourself In'?" I asked pulling out handcuffs attached to my belt.

She raised a thin eyebrow and began her striding closer, "A bit wordy but if you plan to use those we might be able to work something out."

Giving an awkward chuckle I began my backing up again, "I'm flattered but I think I might be a bit young for you to be legal."

"Does it look like I'm trying to follow the law?" She sauntered closer.

Being hit on was not uncommon for me, banter kinda being my thing but she actually looked like she was going to follow through. Trying to keep her talking I diverted back to my previous question, "Usually I like to get to know people first and I still don't know your name."

"Are we talking alias or actual?"

"Both would be helpful."

"Well my actual name is Kelly and my alias is Shekra. I haven't used my real name for a while, prefer my alias but if you're screaming it I don't see a problem with either."

Her honesty about her names threw me for a loop more then the way she ended her statement. She's either lying or it doesn't matter if I know would be the only reasons I could think of for her to be so open.

"Does Kelly have a last name?"

"Goodwin if I remember correctly. Now enough about me what's your name cutie?"

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