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Wonder POV

The clink of a lock and cold metal wrapping around my wrist instilled a fear I had long ignored.

"Get us out of here."

Stay calm. I have to stay calm.


I suddenly teleported out of the cage. "We have to stay here!" I took back control, transporting myself back in. The touch of cold around my arms again sent another wave of panic running through my veins.

I have to stay.

I have to stay!

Trying to chant the instruction over the chaos storming inside I choked out a small desperate whisper.

"Please hurry up Robin. Please."

"Don't wait for someone to save you! Get out!"

'I have to Stay!'

"You're loosing it again! They took you! Just get the mission done now!"

'We need proof. I have to stay." With my mind and body already exhausted from earlier and the heavy emotion intake I was struggling to keep control. And to add to the strain I noticed drips of liquid falling from my finger tips. Each that hit the metal floor sizzled and created a small divot. 

'Not the time for a new power!" My head throbbed as I battled against the inner turmoil. 






Robin POV

Her trackers had gone off line over an hour ago after we followed them all the way to the middle of town.

"How would they even know about the trackers?" I asked tapping trying to pinpoint the lost location.

"I doubt they did. The com link is off line as well. It's a basic signal jammer."

"He wouldn't be selling her tonight would he? That's too quick turn around!"

"It keeps him safer though. No proof he ever had her."

"Wait her signal just came back up!"

"What?" I looked again at the location. On the opposite side of town? "That can't be right."

Batman paused before speaking, "We can't take the risk it isn't. Aqualad take your team to this location. Robin, you and I will check around where her signal went dark. What is Dakota Morgan's location?"

"His cell phone and tracker are at his house. But at this point I'm not sure how much we should believe it."

With a grunt of acknowledgment he opened the hatch, fired his cycle into gear and leapt out with me right on his heels.

"Have you seen anything?" Batman's voice crackled over my com.

"Nothing in the west side buildings but I see a number of cars over at the farthest warehouse from the town. I'm going to go check it out."

"Repeat...breaking up." 

Tapping my com I tried to get my message across, "Warehouse farthest from town. Checking it out."

"" His messages degraded faster the further I moved towards my intended target. Definitely something going on if devices in the surrounding area were being jammed. 

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