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Robin POV

Not only was I surprised that she was ready to go by the time I arrived at her room but her uniform for battle was tactically brilliant. 


Slowing my pace I turned waiting for her to finish what ever she planned to say.

"I'm sorry I have to ask this but if we are going out I don't have my typical weapons with. Do you have a bo or tonfas?"

Smiling I answered, "I can do one better! Here." Pulling out my spare bo I held it out, "I can break apart in the middle so you can use it as a bo or tonfas. Will this work?"

"Yes this is perfect! Thank you." She took the weapon and felt its weight, "We should start running again. Thank you again."

Shooting my best smile at her, glad she accepted it. "Let's go."

Wonder POV

On arrival Batman quickly gave the team and I a brief on the mission before heading to what I learned is called the Bioship. Something that often takes the team to missions, it seemed to live.

"It's organic martial like our clothes."

'I noticed. I wonder if she has morphing abilities like me then. If she is able to communicate with bio material it would make sense. Unless its only a communication ability.'

"How do you plan on finding out? You don't have tele powers at the moment."

'I'll have to see if anything is on their computers tonight.'


Snapping my head up to the low shout, I saw the team staring at me. 

"Um do you need something?"

Batman seemed to want to ask something but decided against it, "Pay attention. I do not repeat myself. You will be staying close to Robin. The two of you will be going through the ceiling to get into the back to the computer controls. Myself, Superboy and Miss. Martian will be out front drawing attention. KidFlash, Aqualad and Artimis, once they take control of the system, will go after the hostages in the vault. They are armed and have already shot at the cops. If they see anyone too close the vault will blow. From what we've been told it's a dead man switch. Does everyone understand?"

A unanimous nod was his answer.

"Open the hatch." Robin walked to the back with me on his tail.

We stepped into the loading dock as the floor began to split. 

"Oh are you good with jumping out," Robin froze mid step. "I guess I didn't..."

Before he could finish his sentence I gave a small laugh and leapt into the inviting outside.

"You can't use your wings."

'I'm hurt you think I rely on things I often try so hard to hide.'

"It was just a reminder. No need to be rude."

'I'll be fine.'

The roof came rushing up as I twisted, preparing to land. My feet hit and my body instinctually fell into a forward roll dispersing the energy. Standing out of the roll I watch Robin preform a similar action. He continued to run out of it, heading to a large duct. The side easily removed, he slipped inside. 

We made it down into one of the offices with no problem. Dropping from the ceiling we took a look around.

"I don't see anyone. You know how to hack right? Duh, I mean you have to, you got into the cameras at base. Can you get into the bank's vault system through this computer? I'm going to find where the crooks are, see if I can get a count. Will you be good?"

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