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Batman POV

Kelly Goodwin. The name had to be a fake. What villain just gives away their secret identity? Tapping keys I wasn't expecting to get too far but the computer flashed a result even with physical criteria I uploaded. There was one in the police data base. The mug shot looked exactly like the picture Dick had described.

Kelly Raina Goodwin, age twenty nine, was incarcerated for petty theft, a couple drug marks against her and was wanted for a few heavy robberies at high end tech companies. Was being the key word. 

She died. 

Around ten years ago. Gunshot wound. Her boyfriend had found her and reported it. A drug deal gone bad was the written reason for the fatal bullet. Though she looked exactly like her picture neither death nor the years having taken a toll on her.

"She doesn't look very dead." I muttered leaning back. "The unidentifiable girl we'd been following due to the robberies has disappeared, Wonder shows up and now this dead woman coming back from the grave. Are they connected? Wonder's able to be seen in cameras and we can fully describe what she looks like. Kelly might not show up in camera but she could be described. The girl we'd been following showed powers and unable to be photoed or described. Maybe it's coincidence?"


Things are never coincidence. Not in this line of work.

Maybe I could go talk to the boyfriend. His name being my thoughts paused as I tapped to find the information....Karter Nicholas Mc'Cormick.

Also dead.

Building explosion. Three years after Kelly died. That seemed too far away to be connected. Three years? Maybe this wasn't all connected. Printing out Kelly's photo I folded it into a belt compartment. Dick would have to confirm this is her. Maybe I wasn't even looking into the correct person. Things would make a lot more sense if that was the case....though...

Robin POV

Finished our meal we cleaned the kitchen together continuing the silence. 

Deciding to break it I asked remembering what she had said earlier, "Wonder would I be able to see my tux?"

"Um now?"

"Well I have time now. And you aren't doing anything right this second since the dishes are now finished."

"I...yes." She hesitated as if thinking the suit might not actually be done.

Placing the last plate away we slowly made our way to her room. She seemed reluctant to to head back even though she hadn't wanted to leave.

At the door she gave one last hesitation then opened the door allowing me in. Her room looked like a fashion store had blown up. Bits and pieces of cloth everywhere, the sewing machine had a part of a dress stuck in it but what shocked me was the three full outfits hanging off to the side.

"The one on the end is yours. Middle is Kidflash and first is Aqua...Kaldur's."

They had the same basic layout but each had a personal touch to match the masks hanging from their connecting outfits. Kaldur's, an odd electric metallic gold, Wally's a dulled lime green and mine a bright almost robin blue. The colors she chose struck me as odd. Not that I didn't think they would match but they were strangely fitting. For only knowing us a few days before she started she seemed to be able to pick perfectly. Blue was my favorite color and my mom always did say it brought out my eyes.

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