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Hello again. I apologize for the poor fight scene. I am not very good at writing those. I do hope to get better and the story progresses.

Also to clear this up a bit the OC has ever changing abilities due to these "crashes". She can not fully control them and it will come out later why. Also the owner of the second voice will be revealed as well. Really a portion of questions will be answered as the story goes on. I am very willing to answer any questions you may have if I do not fully explain something in these Reader sections.

The time period for this story is a bit after season one about. Everyone is a little older so 15-17 depending. This isn't following the TV. show story line very closely. The plot will be effected slightly but it mostly is a stand alone.

I hope you continue to enjoy the story. I would like to get the next scene up soon!

If the words have only one ' ' it means it is being said in thought two " " means out loud.

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