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Wonder POV

Giving a small groan I flicked my eyes open. My normal stiffness from sleep mixed with a strong stabbing of pins and needles. "Why..." Glancing to the starting point of radiation I noticed two new appendages greeted me. Each curled in an awkward position showing the cause of discomfort.

'Ah more limbs. Exactly what this body needed." My sarcasm dripped with every word.

"Does this make us an octopus?"

"Or a spider," I muttered flexing my new arms, testing the recently developed muscles.

"I hate spiders. Let's hope they go away with the next crash."

I did hope they'd leave but I hated that a crash was the only way to get rid of them permanently. Why couldn't I at least choose what I got?

"You say that like crashing is a daily occurrence."

"The way you keep advancing and mixing your powers I'm surprised it isn't."

Letting her snide comment pass I started morphing my new arms away. This was only going to add to the discomfort. The more I shifted my form and the longer I held it always had consequences. 

"Do you think it's the only new power I got?" I asked continuing to watch the arms shrink further and further into oblivion.

"You combined two opposite powers and then downloaded the entire league database into your brain. I'm sure that had no con..." She trailed off as I looked up allowing us to see the room. "Well there is our answer."

The entire room was encased in ice. One of the chairs frozen in mid flight looking like it had been paused after being thrown through the air. Everything had a thick layer of crystal covering its surface.

"It looks like you got your wish. Unless you figure out how to de ice everything you're stuck. It's not the basement but you are in a cell." She referred to the door layered by a forearm thick ice sheet.

Standing with a heavy sigh I shook off ice crystals clinging sporadically to my body, decorating my skin and pajamas. Closing my eyes I focused on allowing this new ice power to surface. A cracking sound weaved its way through the room as more and more ice began to form. Okay so that is how it works, now to try and reverse...I switched my concentration to pulling it under control willing the hardened water to retreat. A sudden crash brought me out of my daze.

"And for once I thought you weren't going to break anything." She commented as we starred at the shattered chair.

"I guess we should've moved that before removing the ice."

"Hind sight is 20/20." She allowed a pause as I gently kicked the pieces to the corner, "You are getting better at that process."

"We've had ice before and I have been dealing with this since I was nine years old. I think I've had enough practice."

"Can't you learn to take compliments?"

"From you? Never. Since our forced bonding I don't think you've ever said anything nice or even constructive without an ulterior motive."

She gave a humph and a jab of pain but let the subject drop.

Taking the rare silence I thought through what I needed to do. The clock and camera are shot so I have no idea what time it is and I need to get the camera fixed before Batman and his apprentice have a chance to see this. Standing directly under it I attacked it with a bolt of tech driven energy. Warming the wires and messing with the footage I was finally finished with my work. And since I don't know the time I sat back on the bed. Waiting. If it was too early like I suspected, knowing my sleep pattern, and everyone else was asleep I would look suspicious just walking around. So now to wait. Boring quickly I messed with my new found ice abilities tossing snow flakes from hand to hand. Now this power I've always loved getting.

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