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Who am I?

'What am I suppose to say to that?'

"Really? What did you think they would ask you? If you would like a cup of tea?"

'I don't know! I..I'm...'

"Did you not expect them to ask you things?"

'Yes but...' Trailing off I really had no idea.

"What the heck was your plan then?!"

'I hadn't thought they'd talk so much, just infiltrate the base, they would would be like oh no she knows where we are lock her in the basement and then they would forget about me!'

"That was your brilliant plan? Do you know how people work at all? Have you learned nothing from me? Why didn't you stick with trying to join? Come up with a fake back story OR SOMETHING?!"

Her shrill voice only got higher with each word creating a ringing in my ears and a pressure to build in my skull. 

'We both know my acting skills are not something to be relied on!'

She gave an infuriated scream before going silent having no comeback that would progress this any further though she wasn't below sending stabs of pain to show her mood.

My overloaded mind couldn't think of a reasonable story and I couldn't trust them with my past and for all I know they have ulterior motives for being heroes. People always do. Maybe if they learned what I could do the past would just repeat itself.

Pulling myself out of my head before the growing panic could take over I answered the only way I knew how, "I don't know."

Their stern faces turned questioning and confused. 

"You don't know? What is your name?"

Sticking with the route I'd planned I gave them their answer, "I don't have one."

Robin POV

Everyone let Batman take the lead but even he was struggling with her answers. She didn't know who she was? Did she have amnesia? This was getting stranger by the second.

"What are you called?"


Seeing this line of questioning wasn't going any where he switched, "Why are you here?"

"I needed a place to hide."


"No one."

Not letting the obvious lie stop him he continued, "How did you get in?"

"Um I'm decent with computers so I hacked in. I must have missed one of the hallway cameras though which is what set off the alarm. You weren't really suppose to know I was here. It seemed big enough that it would work."

Batman starred at the girl for a long time causing me to shift restlessly. I wanted to ask her so many things!

"You are saying you aren't hostile so we will allow you to walk but you will be going into a containment cell. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

Turning his back he indicated for her to follow, everyone else fell in step around her, cautious for a change of heart.

Her promise of non-hostility remained true as she was placed under lock and key. Once secured the questions came tumbling out of everyone.

"What are we going to do?" "Who the heck is she?" "What does she want?" "What's going to happen to her? Is she dangerous?" "Does she have any powers?"

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