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Robin POV

Just over a week had passed and I'd barely seen Wonder. She was either locked in her room working on the promised outfits or we were out collecting the items she needed. While out we'd often run into this new villain who seemed to be out each night, enjoying the taunting, then disappearing before even getting into battle. When we would return Wonder would still be locked in her room. I couldn't even remember the last time I'd seen her out of her room for anything other then mandatory training.  As a team I felt like we were abandoning her. Zatanna and I had been hanging out quite a bit and whenever the group wanted to be together we would go to Wally's house. When Batman had asked after getting my report if I'd found anything more out about Wonder I noticed I was able to give more detail about Shekra then Wonder. I hadn't even seen her come out to eat let alone learned anything more. Was she eating?


My head jerked back at the voice. The magician at my side frowned, "Stop spacing out! It's been your go for like five minutes."

Giving a mumbled apology I glanced at the board then half heartedly rolled the dice and pushed my pieces around.

"Ha I got you!" M'gann gave her triumphant cheer as she took my last defenses from play. I doubt she was trying to help but I sent a silent thanks her way then stuffed my pieces away and stood shaking out my cramped muscle from sitting so long.

"Where are you going?" Zatanna asked noticing my direction of movement.

"Just for a walk."

"You aren't going to stay and watch?" She gently patted the space next to her.

"I've been sitting too long my legs are falling asleep." I began skirting towards the door trying to make my escape, "Besides between the two of you this could go on for hours."

"You could go hang out with the rest of the team on the beach."

"Yea I might head that way. Thanks for inviting me to play. See you later."

"Later we could..."

"Zatanna it's your turn!" The green martian helped me again whether she was trying or not I still didn't know but I took the distraction to my advantage and darted out before she could say anything else.

Z's been at my side since she got back. I wanted to help her with losing her dad to Dr. Fate and not that I didn't like her or like being with her...I don't know before she had left we'd kissed, well she kissed me. I didn't hate it just.... 

Unsure of where my thoughts were going I gave a shake shattering the subject and instead taking in where I was. In front of Wonder's room. I hadn't really meant to end up here but while here I could at least check up on her.

 Giving a soft knock I called out, "Wonder?" Shuffling and a heavy grunt sounded from inside before she voiced a 'coming' in answer. After a few more moments the door opened slightly, keeping most of the room out of sight.

"Are we being summoned?"

Barely registering her question her appearance stunned me into a silence. Dark bags looking almost like bruises under her now dull colored eyes, the typical strong stance wilted with slumped shoulders and she seemed even thinner from when she first arrived. Why did she make such a high promise? She obviously was sacrificing her health to complete it! I know M'gann went overboard to try and impress us at the beginning but she didn't hurt herself!

Worry was the only thing I could process in the instance. Was she not taking care of herself at all? All to what...impress us? Show she can be part of the team even though she's been pushing us away? She can't live like this!

WonderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang