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Robin POV

"Human trafficking? Like selling people? People selling people?" Wally asked after Batman explained the basics of the information. 

"Yes. That is what I said."

Wally's mouth hung open, "But people selling..."

Kaldur stepped in knowing Wally needed a moment to comprehend this without talking, "Where do we come into this?"

"We are going undercover aren't we?" I asked knowing what was going on without further explanation. 

"Yes, Dakota Morgan the manager will be hosting a dance for a middle school next Saturday. It's most likely a way to find and take his next victim."

"Isn't it a bit strange a grown man hosting a dance for a bunch of middle school kids? I mean how hasn't he been caught yet?" Connor's gruff question cut in.

"It would be if his daughter wasn't a student."

He's using his daughter as cover. Disgusting. The thought of what this monster was doing tied my stomach into knots.

"Um Batman," Artemis's cautious tone had everyone's eyes on her, "I don't mean to spoil the plan or anything but we're all a bit old to fit in at a middle school dance? I mean yes one of use can morph and a few of the team might pass as 13 year olds if we dress right but we are all in the later years of highschool." She glanced at Wonder, "At least I think most of us are."

Now that it was pointed out we didn't actually know Wonder's age. Her appearance didn't really give much away. On the shorter side and her clothes left everything to the imagination. Not that I was imagining anything but even with all time we spent together I still didn't know much about her. Kicking myself for going down a rabbit trail I focused back on Batman.

"First it is a masquerade so it should help to hide personal features and it's introducing Middle School students to High School students, a transitioning dance.  The ones who can't pass as younger will be team B and the ones who can will be team A. From what I can gather he usually goes after younger but we can't guarantee it."

"How do we know he will go for one of us?"

"We don't but with all of you there we will have more eyes watching and hopefully a higher chance he will take one of you. Miss. Martian, Robin and Wonder you will be team A. Aqualad, Wally and Artemis you will be team B. Zatanna you will be the one in between hopefully catching the eye of our target. Superboy you will be lookout, stationed on top of the school with your hearing you should be able to catch anything suspicious. Once you have your clothes found we will be weaving trackers into them so bring them here. Does everyone understand?"

There was a unanimous nod and Batman left.

As soon as he did the girls squealed, "We get to go shopping!"

"Oh I can't wait! It'll be so refreshing to have a shopping spree."

"I haven't shopped for new clothing in a while! Considering I can just morph my uniform. Maybe I will actually buy something!"

"When do you think we'll have time to even go though?"

"Since it's for a mission I'm sure Batman will give us time to find something." Zatanna reassured the girls rekindling their excitement.

"I guess even if we don't get to we could look up somethings and I could just shift my clothes and Zatanna can't you do something with magic?"

"Yea but shopping is so much better."

Glancing at Wonder who was the only one of the females not participating, Megan sent her a reassuring smile, "We'll find something for you too, don't worry."

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