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Robin POV

Not a word on our way here nor since we got back and now she locked herself in her room. I wanted to help but if she wouldn't talk to me how was I suppose to do anything?

"Wonder?' I knocked lightly. Hearing no answer I tried again. "Hey Wonder it's Robin."

Still nothing.

Opening the door I glanced in. Not seeing her straight ahead I was about to head in when a voice startled me.

"What do you want." The way her sharp tone snapped sounded more like statement then a question.

"Sorry I was just checking on you." She stood in the blind corner in her typical out of uniform outfit. I'd hoped she hadn't changed yet. I never got a good look at her in the dress.

"I'm fine."

" you want to go train?"


"It always helps me relax. I'm sure it would help."

She gave me a hard stare and I noticed her eyes had gone back to normal from when they seemed to move from eariler. Why had her eyes changed in the first place?

Finally after a few more attempts I convinced her to go to the gym and we trained for a while but neither one of us seemed to be really into what we were doing.

I couldn't get the imagine of her shaking body out of my mind, "Hey Wonder?"

She paused her assault on the bag I supported, "What?"

"Can we...we can talk about what happened if you want."

"I don't want to." Her sad voice answered.

"Please Wonder. Please talk with me." 

A long lull before a quiet question, "Why do you care?"

"Because you're part of the team now. We're suppose to look out for each other." 

"I...I had a panic attack. This morning, M'gann was in my head and that carried over to tonight. That's all."

"What happened to make that trigger you?"

"That's...I don't remember."

Giving a dejected smirk I stepped around the bag, "Of course you don't."

She gave a sorrow filled smile in answer, "Of course I don't."

"You know I know you're lying. Right?"

"We both know that, yes."

"Why are you here then?" I held a slight breath hoping she'd answer.

"I just needed a place to hide for a bit."

Surprised she was allowing me to get somewhere I continued to press, "What from?"

Her eyes showed pain filled irises, "Please Robin don't ask any more questions."

"I'm trying to help."

"You can't help me."

"If you just told me I..."

"I can't tell you."

"Maybe...another time then?"


It grew silent between us. But to my surprise Wonder started the conversation again, "Batman told me you know Richard Grayson."

"He did?" My surprise grew with her words.

"He said you suggested we meet."

"He did?!" My voice rose. I thought I had to convince him some more.

"Yes," She giggled I shrieked higher with each new statement she added, "Why would you try to set that up?"

"I...I thought it seemed to like them and you don't have all the autographs. He would love to meet you. Richard's friendly like that."

"....thank you. I appreciate it. I think meeting him...I'll enjoy it."

Stepping closer I caught her gaze wanting her to know I was serious, "I want to help you Wonder if you'll let me."

At the statement she pulled away turning her back to me, "Robin if I shared something with you and I asked you not to tell anyone would you not?"

I couldn't fully comprehend why I wanted to help her so much but I knew I enjoyed her and didn't want her to leave. The mystery, her incredible fighting technique and her innocent smile were only a few of the things that shot to mind when I thought about Wonder. 

I need her to understand I was here for her.

"Of course!"

"Even Batman?"

"Um well he is my mentor...that's a bit tough."

Her eyes fell and she moved further away. Quickly grabbing her wrist to stop her retreat, I amended my statement, "I mean I've hidden things from him before. One more on top of that won't be too difficult."

Remembering she didn't like being restrained I loosened my grip just letting her wrist rest in my palm. "You can trust me. With anything you want to tell me."

We stayed in this position for an eternity. I barely breathed as if any movement would cause her to run almost like not wanting to startle a newly discovered fawn.

Please Wonder.

Trust me.

Wonder POV

"Don't tell him! Why are you even considering it!?"

'Shekra I have no margin to deal with you. I'm tired. I'm so tired and he knows I'm lying and maybe this could France. Maybe I won't have to live with this alone.'

"Or it could end up like the lab when he tells everyone."

'Then we'll kill them all like the lab.'

"Or like France."

Her sharp comment made me reconsider what I was about to do. They were different but they did both end in death.

'I'll erase everything he knows once I get my tele abilities so history can't repeat itself. I just want someone...I don't want to do this alone.'

"Fine but when this goes south don't come crying to me."

She fell silent and I turned my attention back to the hero standing in front of me. He even loosened his fingers letting my arm gently rest in his hand. He remembered.

Swallowing deeply I waded through my fears and gazed up into Robin's masked eyes, 

"I don't want anyone else to know yet."

"I promise."

With a heavy sigh I spoke barely audible, "Kaida. My name is Kaida."

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