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"Intruder Alert. Intruder Alert." The intercom system blared sending the entire mountain into lockdown. 

Robin POV

"What's going on?" Wally asked trying to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"Can't you hear? There is a pizza party about to start." Artemis's sarcasm dipped off her tongue as she rolled her eyes at the stupid question.

"Make it stop!" Connor yelled squeezing his hands over his ears as tightly as he could. His super hearing would defiantly not be an asset in this situation. Even just Zeta tubing in I was having trouble with the loud robotic voice.

Who's idea was it to make the alarm so loud when over half the group of either team had some type of advanced hearing? It was quite turbing when you thought about it.

"Robin can you get it to stop? Or at least lower the volume?" Kaldur's low voice asked calmly, even though he was probably in a similar amount of pain as Conner.

Nodding I began to tackle the securities firewalls. After a few seconds the system quieted but the signal lights still gently flashed. Why Batman didn't just give me the passwords I had no idea. It would make this hacking so much easier.

"Better?" Everyone nodded then looked to Kaldur for instruction.

"We need to find the intruder..."

"Obviously! Do you want us to search every corner?" Wally interrupted sarcastically.

Kaldur ignored the interruption and continued, "And rendezvous with Red Tornado. He should still be here. Robin check the cameras and see where he is. If you can also give us an idea about the intruder as well it would be appreciated."

With most of the firewalls broken through already I began working on the cameras. It really wasn't anything special. The security system here was the same as the Batcave. 

"He really should change that up."  I thought with a smile, happy to be in my own little world as the others talked around me.

"Zeta Tube who from the Justice League are here at the moment?" Everyone else on the team waited as Kaldur spoke and I worked.

"From the Justice League designation Z01 Batman, designation Z13 Black Canary, designation Z16 Red Tornado." The robotic voice answered simply.

"Robin what did you find?" 

"Batman and Black Canary are in the conference room hall running towards us and Red Tornado is..." I was cut off by our overwatcher flying in, "Here."

"I apologize for my tardiness. For an unknown reason my charging did not deactivate correctly when the alarm sounded. What have you learned?" Red Tornado stated in his typical voice.

"The intruder is in the south hall way running towards the practice room." Giving my answer I had to restrain myself from running off in that direction. I was on a team now and had to work with them, not alone, even after all these years I still had to remind myself every once in a while.

"Good we will surround them there. Is there any other information you can tell us?"

"The videos aren't showing much. The person wasn't there in any of the entrance cameras but was caught on the hallway one running. Possibly a teleporter. They weren't holding anything and it doesn't look like they have any plan. They're just running and now have disappeared into the practice dome. The cameras aren't responding there at the moment."

"We will find out when we get there. I have already informed Batman and Black Canary where we are headed. They will meet us there."

We all ran towards the practice room, meeting the other two justice league members on the way. Who would attack us in our base? With three Justice League members here. Who even knew we existed let alone where we existed?

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