"Thank you"

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David squatted down on the grass and sighed, listening to the autumn leaves whispering in the wind. He was lost in his own thoughts.

"Hello David." David quickly got to his feet, looking back at the owner of the voice. "Oh I... I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here. I- I'll leave." As David turned to walk away he heard the voice call out to him again. "David, please stay." David's eyes widened a little in surprise, but he quickly moved back to his position next to the man.

Finally, David spoke. "Thank you, for inviting me to the... you know." David couldn't seem to get the word out. The man nodded. "Although I was angry with you, it would have been cruel not to." He glanced down at David's left wrist, noting the bandages around it. He looked back out towards the field. He sighed. "You were lucky your friends were there when you did that. I- I wanted to apologize, for what I said to you... I wasn't thinking straight and I took my anger out on you. When I heard about what you did, I was going to call you but then Gen told me that you were in town. So I figured I'd find you here."

David gave a weak smile. "It's ok-" "No David, it's not ok," the man interrupted. "You weren't the one drinking... and I should have known you were hurting too." He pulled something out of his coat pocket and handed it to David. "Here." David looked at the object in his hands, feeling it's smoothness and detail. "I can't take this." "David please, please take it. Think of it as an apology gift from me." David looked down at the necklace in his hands before finally putting it around his neck and locking it. "I promise I'll never take it off for as long as I live."

The man simply smiled. "Again, I'm sorry." David opened his arms and the two hugged. "I forgive you." Suddenly they were hit by a strong breeze. The leaves sang as they shook, some falling from their branches. The wind whistled. David and Mr. Mariduena broke away from the hug, smiling up at the sky with tears in their eyes. "I think she approves," Mr. Mariduena said, wiping the tears from his eyes. David chuckled. He knelt back down before reaching out and running a hand over the tombstone. He smiled through his tears. "Thank you Natalie."

- Homero (Mr. Mariduena) blamed David for Natalie's death because he was the one driving when they were hit by the drunk driver.

- David was trying to thank Homero for inviting him to Natalie's funeral, even though he was still angry with him.

- The bandages on David's wrist are from a self inflicted injury. It was only after David had attempted to take his own life did Homero realize his mistake, as it was one of the things that pushed David over the edge.

- The necklace Homero gave David was the Natalina necklace that Natalie always wore. She was wearing it when the accident happened.

This story was a little sad and happy at the same time, I hope you enjoyed it.
Tell me what you think!

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