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Adam's view

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Adam's view

"Well that was dramatic" I laughed as I pulled heather into my arms.

"I have to say baby you handled tonight really well" she smiled. "You ok with her seeing someone 6 years older than her"

"Honestly I don't like it, but as long as my princess is happy that's all I care about. It's obviously serious seen as she managed to keep it hidden for 9 months" I said.

"He seems a really nice guy, from tonight it sounds like he has been brought up right" heather smiled.

"I'm thinking of inviting him on holiday with us, it would give us chance to get to know him a lot better" I said playing with heathers hair.

"Well I'd never" heather playfully gasped.

"Hey I'm just finally accepting my little girl is growing up" I said.

"You know she will always need you and her getting a boyfriend will not change that." Heather smiled.


Walking out the bathroom I couldn't help myself, I peaked into Camille's room and I swear my heart melted at the sight.

Both Camille and Dylan were fast asleep on her bed, she was wrapped up in his arms. It was cute considering the height difference between them.

It was in this moment that I realised it probably wasn't a bad thing her seeing him. I know what I was like at his age yet here he was just protectively holding my little girl in his arms. Making sure she felt safe, no advances, just wanting to hold her. Quickly taking a photo I walked into her room crouching by the bed.

"Camille" I whispered gently shaking her.

"Mmmm" she groaned.

"It's 10pm" I said

"Dad go away" She groaned causing Dylan to wake up.

"All I was going to say was it's getting late so Dylan can stay the night" I smiled.

I don't think I've seen her smile so big in a while.

"Thank you dad" she grumbled rubbing her eyes.

"I will find some spare clothes out for him" I nodded before walking out the room and into my room.

Digging around my wardrobe I found a pair of grey sweatpant shorts and one of my shirts before taking them into Camille's room. To see her now sat up with Dylan's arms still round her waist.

"I'm gonna go for smoke" she mumbled still half asleep.

Once she was out of the room I sat on the bed.

"I know we haven't had the chance to talk tonight but I just want you to know you hurt my little girl in any way. I will come down on you like a lead brick. And trust me you do not want to see that side of me" I said.

"Don't worry Mr Ruzek I won't hurt her. Honestly I feel like she completes me, she brings out my care free side. I will move heaven and earth for that girl" he said smiling.

"That's good to hear" I said standing up. "Night Dylan"

"Night Mr Ruzek" he nodded grabbing the clothes to get changed.

Walking downstairs I smiled at heather before heading outside to Camille.

"Hey princess" I smiled sitting down next to her.

"Hey" she said looking over at me.

"I just want to say that I'm starting to come round to you seeing Dylan but just don't be getting too cosy around me ok" I nodded.

"Don't worry dad I won't" she smiled leaning on my shoulder.

"I can't believe my baby is growing up" I laughed.

"I know it's crazy, I will soon be going to college. Well hopefully" she sighed.

"I thought you was doing well in school?" I asked.

"I was but just not hitting the grades I need" she yawned as she stunned her cigarette out.

"Go to bed kiddo we will chat properly about this tomorrow" I said kissing her head.

Once she had gone I sat staring out into the garden. I really thought she was doing well in school but then again with the amount of times the school rung us regarding her behaviour it really wasn't surprising.

Maybe I needed to get her a private tutor.

Walking back into the house I saw heather had fallen asleep on the sofa. Scooping her up in my arms I carried her up to bed.

"I could have done it myself" she groaned.

"Baby last time you tried to get up the stairs with your crutches I had to catch you" I laughed kissing her head. "I'm gonna go lock up"

Once I had locked up I went to check on the kids. I know they was growing up but it was something I did every night.

Walking into Camille's room I pulled the duvet over her and Dylan before switching the light off and going to check on Alvin.

"Hey buddy" I smiled leaning against the door frame.

"Hey dad, he said pausing whatever show he was watching.

"Don't stay up too late son" I nodded at him.

"I won't, I've got to be up early as me and Kyle are hitting the gym before school" he smiled

"Night Al" I said before heading to my own room.

I Don't Wanna Be - Sequel to Thats My Girl  Where stories live. Discover now