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Sitting on the edge of my bed, clutching the envelope in my shaking hands

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Sitting on the edge of my bed, clutching the envelope in my shaking hands. How can one bit a paper determine your entire future.

I knew I had managed to pass my exams but this, this was the letter to say if I was going into the fashion industry. I didn't tell anyone that I had decided becoming a vet wasn't for me and to be honest the deciding factors was the fact I didn't get the grades.

Well it was now or never.

Tearing the envelope open I stared at the words on the paper.

"We would like to congratulate you in being successful"

I didn't even need to read the rest of the letter before the tears started to fall down my cheeks. I should have been so happy that I got into the fashion industry but it also meant that I'd have to move to New York, which meant leaving my family and more importantly I'd be leaving Dylan.

Dropping the letter on my bed I wrapped my arms around my knees, as I continued to sob.

I don't know how long I had been crying but my eyes were sore and puffy.

"Hey kiddo what's with all these tears" dad whispered as he climbed onto my bed.

I didn't say anything but I wrapped my arms around his waist, sobbing into his chest.

"You going to tell your old man what's got you so worked up" he said running his hand through my hair.

Reaching round I grabbed the letter, passing it to him.

"Princess this is amazing so what's all the tears about" he whispered.

"I have to move away" I sighed "leaving you guys and Dylan, we haven't been together a year yet and I don't know how we will make the long distance work"

"Have you spoke to him about it?" Dad asked wiping my tears away.

"No I got home and found the letter" I mumbled still holding onto him like he was going to disappear.

"Talk to him about it, from how he is with you I know he would move heaven and earth to make things works" he whispered kissing my head "now enough of these tear you know I hate to see you cry"

Slowly my sobs subsided but I stayed clinging to dad.

"When did you decide to change what you wanted to do" he asked running his hand through my hair knowing it helped calm me down.

"After that house party, drawing helped me escape what happened and when mum asked me to draw a tattoo up I thought why not" I sniffled lifting my head up.

"I am so proud of you princess" he whispered kissing my head "now come on let's go tell your mum"

After wiping my eyes with the sleeves of my hoodie I clambered off my bed and headed downstairs, knowing I was fully rocking the panda eyes right now.

"Mum" I whispered causing her turn around gasping at my appearance.

"Baby what's wrong" she said engulfing me into a hug.

"I'm moving to New York" I whispered.

"Wait what" she shouted.

"I got into the fashion industry" I said playing with the sleeves of my hoodie.

"Baby that's absolutely amazing" she beamed lifting my chin up "so what's with the panda eyes"

"I've got to leave everyone" I mumbled.

"You are worried about you and Dylan aren't you?" She asked.

"Yeah" I whispered.

"Oh darling, you and Dylan are going to absolutely fine" she said pulling me into a hug.

"How do you know that" I mumbled into her shoulder.

"Because babygirl I have seen the way he is about you. You are his number one so if it means having to have a long distance relationship for a little bit he will move heaven and earth to make it work" she whispered playing with my hair "now you need to tell him"


"I've got something to tell you" I mumbled as Dylan sat next to me on the decking.

"What's the matter baby girl" he smiled putting his arm around me as I lit a smoke.

"I'm moving to New York" I spluttered.

"You are what" he snapped taking me by surprise.

"I got in with one of the big fashion companies as an intern" I said staring at the grass.

"Well this is news" he said with no emotion in his voice.

"I leave in two weeks" I whispered "I got the letter through today"

"You aren't going" he said moving his hand off my shoulder.

"The fuck did you just say?" I said standing up.

"I said you aren't going" he said squaring up to me.

"Thought that's what you said" I snapped "and you do not get to make that decision for me"

"How do you think we will cope with a long distance relationship? They never work out" he shouted.

"How do you know if we don't give it a shot" I screamed. "Do you know what I'm not even gonna argue about MY pissing future so just leave"

Without giving him a chance to respond I stormed into the living room jumping over the back of the sofa and grabbed the remote for the tv.

"Camille" Dylan whispered walking over to me.

"Sorry Camille isn't here right now so leave a message. In fact don't bother leaving a message she isn't interested" I said rolling my eyes and I flicked through the channels.

"Fine" he huffed.

Minutes later I heard the door shut. He actually left. I couldn't believe it, no trying to work this out or nothing.

"What was all that about princess" dad said sitting next to me before pulling me into his chest.

"I think we just broke up" I sighed as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

I Don't Wanna Be - Sequel to Thats My Girl  Where stories live. Discover now