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Adam's view

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Adam's view

2 years later

"For the love of all things holy will you please shut the hell up" Camille moaned at Alvin before punching him in the arm.

"Muuuuuum, Camille just punched me" Al shouted as both of them came running downstairs.

Rolling my eyes as I tossed my keys in the bowl, I only went out to the shop and it was like the clock had been turned back.

"Camille Trudy and Alvin Hank if you don't pack it in I'm going kill you both and bury you under the fucking patio" heather laughed as she made a coffee.

"It's good to see that neither of them have changed" I laughed wrapping my arms around heather's waist.

"I love having our baby back home but her and al together drives me insane" she laughed.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Camille trying to reach her basketball Alvin put up out of her reach.

"Babygirl take it easy, you are gonna put strain on yourself" Nate said as he grabbed her ball down.

"Shhhh you worry too much" she giggled.

"Of course I do" he smiled.

What I didn't miss was how he placed his hand on her stomach. I watched as heather's eyes widened as they both headed outside.

"Did you just see that?" Heather breathed.

"Yeah I did" I said running my hand through my hair.


"Ok everyone is here now" Camille grinned as Erin and Kevin sat down.

"So this is kinda two fold" she grinned pulling her hand out of her pocket "first of all we are getting married"

"Oh my god" Heather said almost in tears.

"And what's the second thing?" I asked.

"This" she smiled tossing me a small box.

Opening the box there was the tiniest pair of air Jordan's sat there.

"We are 12 weeks pregnant" she beamed placing her hand on her stomach as Nate wrapped his arms around her.

I was actually speechless. My baby was having a baby.

"Dad please say something" she whispered as I stood up.

"I'm so happy for you" I whispered with tears in my eyes as I pulled her into my arms. "I'm going to be a grandad"

Soon enough everyone else joined in on the hug.

"Ok guys you are squashing the pregnant lady" she laughed.


"I can't believe our baby is getting married and having a baby" heather whispered as we laid in bed.

"Tell me about it" I laughed "she has grown up up much, proved everyone wrong by being a successful fashion designer all before she turns 21"

"She found a good lad to do it all with"

"Yeah she did" I smiled. "You know I prefer him to Dylan"

"I can see that, I don't think you have ever threatened Nate" she laughed.

"Oh I have" I chuckled at the memory.

"Adam ruzek" she fake gasped as she playfully slapped my chest.

"What he made my princess cry, so after I came off the phone to Camille instantly phoned Nate" I laughed "I might have made him cry"

"You did not" she said propping herself up.

"Yup, it was when they had that argument over the Charlotte hornets"


"So 46 years old and going to be a grandpa" Kev laughed as I poured a coffee.

"Ewww grandpa makes me sound really old." I laughed "it's gonna be pops thank you"

"I've been thinking, why did she want me there when she told you?" He asked.

"Stupid question man, you are her godfather, you've been there for her through it all and dear I say it you are her favourite uncle" I laughed.

"I still can't believe my little all star is engaged and pregnant" he laughed.

"Tell me about it, I'm kinda still wrapping my head around it myself" I laughed.

"Also I notice Heather isn't here?" He smiled.

"Nah since she found out about the engagement and pregnancy it's been wedding and baby central at home" I said rolling my eyes "come on back to work"

"Whatever you say grandpa" he smirked as I walked out the break room.

"Watch it Atwater, I may be 46 but I will still beat yo ass" I smirked at him.

"Copy that" he laughed following me.


"Nope not stopping me playing ball" Camille giggled running out of the living room with her ball as Nate followed her.

Standing at the patio door I watched as they messed around on the half court.

"If she's anything like you was during pregnancy Nate is in for a hell of a ride" I laughed draping my hand over heather's shoulder.

"Hey I wasn't that bad" she laughed.

"Babe you ate ice cream and pancakes for breakfast every single day and when I tried to take it off you, you would threaten me with a knife" I chuckled at the memory.

"Ok maybe I was a little bit crazy" she laughed leaning her head on my shoulder.

"And you wonder why she loves ice cream and pancakes so much" I laughed

"So maybe she's like her mama"

"She's a lot like her mama it is scary" I laughed

"Watch it Ruzek" she smirked walking over to the freezer.

"What you doing?" I asked just as Camille ran inside.

"Mum I'm craving-" she started saying as heather placed a tub of mint choc chip ice cream and a spoon in her hand "ice cream" she finished, before shrugging her shoulder and wandering off with the spoon hanging out her mouth.

"How'd you know that's what she came in for?" I asked.

"Well she is my daughter after all" she smiled grabbing a spoon before walking out the kitchen. "Camille you best share that ice cream, mama wants some"

Leaning against the door frame smiling as I watched the boys trying to get in on the ice cream and my girls swatting them away.

Our family was crazy, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

I Don't Wanna Be - Sequel to Thats My Girl  Where stories live. Discover now