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Adam's view

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Adam's view

"Please tell me that wasn't my daughter's voice I can hear" I said walking out of the break room.

"Fraid so" Kevin sighed.

"The fuck has she done this time" I sighed as I made my way downstairs.

Seeing Camille in handcuffs at the front desk I wanted to scream.

"Aunt Trudy can you tell these morons to get these cuffs off me" Camille groaned.

"I've got it from here" I said walking over to Camille. "Cuffs off"

"Dad I didn't start it I swear" Camille said rubbing her wrists.

Taking one look at her I knew she had been in a fight, her lip was twice the size it should be with dried blood.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, the other girl came off worse" she shrugged just as I'm guessing the girl that was involved got brought in.

Seeing the face Camille pulled I needed to get her out of this situation.

"Come with me" I said placing my hand on her shoulder. In the corner of my eye I saw Dylan run into the district, nodding at him to follow us.

Taking Camille down to the basement I ran my hand through my hair.

"Right kiddo what happened?" I asked pulling her into my arms.

"It started at school, I was trying to not be a dick and jade said she had hoped mum died in the drive by and I dunno I lost it. Xav pulled me off her before I decked her in the canteen. Then she told me to meet her in the park as it wasn't over and well you know I decked the bitch" she sighed. "So I let her throw the first punch"

"Well at least you listened to something I said" I laughed grabbing the first aid kit to clean her lip up.

"What's gonna happen now" she whispered.

"Nothing, Trudy is speaking to jade now but I'm thinking I'm pulling you out of school for a while" I said dabbing her lip with the antiseptic wipe making her hiss.

"I think that might be best" she sighed "I'm trying to shake the image I've created but trouble just seems to find me.

"Wow I thought I'd have more of a fight" I half laughed just as Hank walked in.

I didn't need world war 3 kicking off because Dylan was here. If Camille and Hank butted heads that was it even though he was her grandad she never backed down.

Kissing the top of her head as I finished cleaning her lip up, I walked over to Hank.

Just as he started to speak I stopped him and just pointed at Camille.

As soon as I left her side she had curled up in Dylan's lap nuzzling her head into his neck. This is what Hank needed to see. He needed to see that Dylan wasn't a bad guy.

"I still don't like the age difference" he sighed.

"I know but from what I have seen he wants more than what normal 23 year olds want." I smiled.

"Hey babygirl don't cry. You know I hate it when you cry" Dylan said causing me to look over at them. "It's going to be ok"

"Hey princess, what's with these tears" I whispered placing my hand on her knee.

"It's stupid" she sniffed.

"If it's made you cry then it's not stupid" I whispered.

As she shook her head at me I knew she wasn't going to tell me what's wrong.

"Mr Ruzek I'm gonna take her back to mine if that's ok?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah that's fine" I nodded as he adjusted his grip on Camille keeping her in his arms as he stood up. "Oh and Dylan call me adam"

He didn't say anything but just smiled at me.

"Come on little bear, I think a movie afternoon is in order" Dylan whispered as he placed Camille on her feet.

"With ice cream and cuddles" Camille whispered.

"Yes baby with ice cream and cuddles" Dylan laughed.

Once they left I ran my hand through my hair.

"She hasn't really changed has she" Hank laughed.

"Nope just gained an attitude and temper but when she's had a bad day she still wants ice cream and cuddles" I smiled. "Look I know you two are close but don't let who she is dating get in the way of that"

"I won't but I don't have to like the guy" he shrugged.

"Do you know sometimes I don't know what to do with Camille. It's like every week something has kicked off at school" I sighed.

"She's trying time shake the reputation of our names" Hank said. "Heather did the exact thing if you should know you was her partner in crime"

"She knows that if she doesn't go into the police it's not a big deal" I said leaning against the desk.

"She might know that but you know the name comes with some weight so everyone else has these high expectations from her" he said.

"All I want is for her to do well and follow her dreams" I said "and if that means home schooling her then so be it"


"Hey baby" I said as I walked through the door tossing my keys on the side.

"How was your day" heather shouted from the sofa.

"Eventful" I sighed "Camille got in a fight today and patrol arrested her and the other girl"

"You have to be fucking kidding me" she sighed.

"I don't blame her, I would have done the same thing if I was in her shoes" I said.

"Why" heather questioned.

"One of her so call friends said that she hoped you died in the drive by" I whispered.

"The fucking bitch" heather shouted "I hope my baby pummelled her"

"Yeah she did, she let her throw the first punch ended up getting a bust lip but I saw the other girl and our baby beat the shit out of her"

"That's my girl" heather smirked.

I Don't Wanna Be - Sequel to Thats My Girl  Where stories live. Discover now