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"So how's things going with you and Nate?" Peyton smiled as she placed a coffee on the counter

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"So how's things going with you and Nate?" Peyton smiled as she placed a coffee on the counter.

"Really well" I smiled "I may have spoke to whitey about seeing if he can work his magic and get him in with a team"

"Girl he is gonna actually kill you" she laughed

"I know but I don't care, he can't put his dreams on hold for me I just won't let him"

"You are something do you know that Camille Voight-Ruzek" she smiled.

"I know" I grinned opening the shop "you staying a while?"

"Yeah I've got nothing planned for today" she nodded.

"Fine by me it's been a while since we hung out" I said

The day passed with a steady flow of customers.

"Nates incoming" peyton laughed "girl he doesn't look happy"

"Camille" Nate said.

"Oh shit imma dip out, Ruzek I will see you at the river court later" peyton laughed grabbing her bag before running out.

"Hey baby" I smiled

"Camille what is this" he said slamming a letter against my chest.

Scanning the letter I couldn't help but smile.

"Baby this is amazing, the Charlotte hornets want you" I grinned.

"You went behind my back Camille" I sighed.

"Sorry I don't want you dropping your dream"

"I told you my dreams changed when I met you and I'm happy coaching" he shouted.

"Nate you aren't, I see it in Your eyes at every game I attend" I shouted "you miss it, you miss playing so sorry I thought I'd do something for you seen as you helped me to set this place up"

"God damn it why didn't you just speak to me about it rather than going behind my back" he shouted slamming his hand on the counter making me jump

"Because I knew this would be how you would pissing react" I spat tears threatening to fall "do you know what forget it, I've got a shop to close us so can you just leave"


"No nate just go, I know you have a game tonight" I sighed turning my back to him.

"I'm sorry" he sighed.

"Please just go" I sighed

"Can we just talk"

"No nate you made it perfectly clear and by the way you didn't even say thank you, so yeah just fucking leave" I spat before putting my headphones in.

Once he had left the shop I locked the door, the tears started to fall.

Cashing up could wait, so I pulled a 6 pack from my draw.

I couldn't believe he went off like that, I thought he'd be happy. Leaning my head against the counter as I drunk the beer.

After about 15 minutes I had finished all 6 bottles, sighing to myself I need to clear my head.

I should have been at the game tonight but I couldn't bring myself to face Nate after the argument.


"Hey girl" Haley smiled as I walked onto the river court.

"Yeah hey" I sighed sitting on the bench

"You not playing tonight?" She asked putting her arm around me.

"Nah my heart just isn't in it tonight" I said looking over at Nate.

"What's happened between you two? I didn't see you at the game and normally we can't get Nate off you" she asked.

"We just had a fight" I said holding back the tears "a stupid fight"

"Over what?"

"Basketball, I got whitey to get him into a proper team and he got accepted into the Charlotte hornets and he flipped out on me" I whispered

"You will be ok, you will work it out" she whispered.

"It got that bad after I left huh?" Peyton asked putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah I told him to leave" I mumbled "do you know what guys I'm just gonna go home"

"You sure, you could try and talk it out with him" Haley said.

"Nah I'm too pissed off so will end up saying things I don't mean, I'm just gonna go home and clear my head" I half smiled at them.


Climbing into my bed with a tub of ice cream.

I just wanted to talk to nate about the argument, but I was just far to angry.

This was our first fight and honestly it hurt my heart. The thing that got me was he didn't even say thank you.

Picking up my phone I called the one person who I knew would make me feel better.

"You do realise it's like 9pm right"

"I know but I just needed my dad but your 3 and a hour fucking hours away" I sobbed.

"Princess what happened?" Dad asked.

"Me and Nate had a fight" I sighed.

"Oh darlin, things will work out"

"How do you know that dad, you didn't see how he blew up all because I did something for him" I cried.

"Just give him time trust me, you both need to calm down and then talk about it. We know things get said that people don't mean when tempers are high" he said.

"I know dad" I sighed "I just wish I never spoke to Whitey"

"Baby you did something good and Nate will see that and he will appreciate what you have done for him" he said "he is probably scared of losing you it's a 4 hour drive to Charlotte"

"Why are you always right" I yawned.

"Because I've lived through most of the things you go through, you are forgetting I was your age once" he laughed "now go get some sleep"

"Thanks dad" I yawned ending the call before making sure the house was locked up and the ice cream was back in the freezer.

Changing into one of Nate's tops before climbing into bed.

Don't hate me for this part!!

I Don't Wanna Be - Sequel to Thats My Girl  Where stories live. Discover now