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"I don't know what to do" peyton sighed

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"I don't know what to do" peyton sighed. "She's been like this for 2 days and hasn't slept or eaten"

"So can you just try and talk to her she needs to sleep" Haley said.

"Hey there pretty thing" Nate whispered crouching in front of me. "How about you stop studying, drawing whatever you are doing and go get some sleep"

"Not tired" I said trying to hide my yawn.

"And I'm not star of a basketball team, Camille you need sleep" he said.

"Fix me up with 6 cups of coffee and we are good to go" I shrugged turning back to my designs.

"Come on, you have been at this for days, you haven't even been to the court with me" he whispered.

I didn't even look at him I just carried on sketching.

"Right drastic times calls for drastic measures" he laughed getting up and leaving me to it.

Not long later he came back in the room.

"Yeah she's not eating, or sleeping she just hunched over her text book and sketch pad living on coffee and nicotine. Yeah hold on" Nate said to whoever he was on the phone to "right you someone wants to speaks to you"

"I'm busy" I huffed.

"Oh no you are speaking to them" he laughed taking my pen out my hand replacing it with his phone.

"Fine" I groaned putting the phone to my ear "hello"

"Princess what have I told you about living purely off coffee and nicotine" dad scolded.

"Really he called you" I sighed looking at Nate shaking my head.

"Yeah because he knows how stubborn you are and that you actually listen to your old man" dad laughed. "Now stop what you are doing and go get some food and go to sleep"

"But dad" I whined "I've got deadlines and exams" I moaned

"I don't care young lady we know your work suffers when you don't get any sleep" he said "now don't make me get on the next flight out"

Looking down at my work sighing, dad was right my work was sloppy because I was tired.

"Urgh why do you have to be right" I groaned.

"Because I'm your old man, now go eat and then sleep. I will be checking with Nate in a couple of hours to make sure" dad laughed.

"Love you dad" I yawned.

"Love you to kiddo now go get some sleep" he said before ending the call.

Passing Nate back his phone shaking my head at him.

"I cannot believe you called my old man" I laughed closing my sketch book.

"Worked didn't it" he smirked at me. "Now come on I brought maccies"

After I had eaten some food I felt my eyes dropping as I rested my head on Nate's shoulder.

"Come on sleepy bed time" Nate whispered nudging me.

Trudging into my room I smiled as I saw my bed, grabbing my shorts and vest top before heading into my en suite.

My appearance shocked me. My eyes were red and bloodshot, bags were starting to form under my eyes and my hair looks like a bird had made a nest it in.

After changing I headed back into my room to see Nate sat on my bed.

"Urgh bed I've missed you" I groaned as I flopped face first on my bed.

"Shouldn't have gone two days with no sleep then stupid" Nate laughed poking my shoulder "now get some sleep and I will see you first thing in the morning on the court"

"Nate" I whispered snuggling into my duvet "can you stay for a bit please"

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah I just want cuddles" I whispered "I miss being held"

"Come on then" he smiled pulling his top off "budge up"

Shifting over so he could have space before I snuggled up to him resting my head on his chest before I quickly fell asleep.


Waking up to an empty bed I sighed, I could have sworn Nate was here when I fell asleep.

Rolling out of bed, slipping my CPD hoodie on, I grabbing my phone and smokes before heading into the living room.

Taking a look over my sketches I had done over the last couple of days and they all sucked. Running my hand through my hair I sighed.

"They don't suck." Nate whispered behind me.

"They do, this is what happens when I'm sleep deprived" I sighed.

"Better than what I can do" he laughed placing a hand on my shoulder "now you have slept you can make them better"

"Yeah I suppose" I nodded "I'm going for a smoke"

Seeing peyton outside I smiled at her.

"So Nate stayed the night aye" she grinned nudging me.

"Nothing happened ok I just wanted to be held" I sighed.

"Aye I'm not judging" she laughed "but I've noticed how flirty you guys have been recently you sure nothing is going on"

"No nothing is going on between us I dunno we are just flirting. It's just started happening one day" I smiled leaning against the wall.

"Right I can tell you like him so just open your heart up to him girl" she grinned.

"It's not that easy P Sawyer" I sighed. "I've had my heart broken one too many times"

"Maybe Nate will be the one to piece it back together again. You are good together, you understand each other" she whispered "just listen to your heart Ruzek"

I Don't Wanna Be - Sequel to Thats My Girl  Where stories live. Discover now