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Adam's view

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Adam's view

"Look you shouldn't be here" I heard trudy say as me and heather was half way down the stairs.

"But please I just need to speak to Adam" Dylan's voice said.

"Oi Ruzek, I know that face" heather said nudging my shoulder.

"What I wasn't making a face" I moaned as we got to the gate.

"Oh really" she laughed raising her eyebrow. "Just behave please"

"No promises" I smirked as I saw Dylan stood with his back to me.

Holding my finger to my lips smirking at trudy I quietly walked up behind Dylan.

"Don't you mean detective Ruzek boy" I boomed watching him shiver. "Now the fuck you want."

"I wanted to speak to you" he mumbled looking at his feet.

"About what?" I raised my eyebrow "oh wait I know, the fact that you are a twat that broke my princess' heart because you are too fucking insecure about a long distance relationship"

"Look I'm sorry, I tired to call Camille last night but she wouldn't give me the time of day" he sighed.

"Are you really surprised?" I spat "look I liked you kid, I thought you was different and good for my little girl but turns out I was wrong. You didn't even show up at the airport. How do you think that made her feel?"

"I was an idiot, I love that girl to bits" he said trying to square up to me.

"You got a fucking funny way of showing it boy" I spat getting in his face.

"Can you please get her to talk to me so I can explain" he hissed.

"No why would I do that. I am not letting you hurt my baby girls heart again" I shouted as I balled my hand into a fist I was so ready to deck him.

Heather was trying to pull me back but she knew she wouldn't be able to not whilst I was this wound up.

"Kev I need you down here man" she called over the radio.

"Please just give me a chance to explain Adam" he pleaded.

"Detective Ruzek" I spat squaring up to him "now I'm going to give you 5 seconds to get out of the district"






"Ruzek man come on back of" Kevin said as lunged forward grabbing Dylan's collar.

"What did I tell you when I first met you" I hissed.

"That if I hurt Camille you would come down on me like a lead brick" he mumbled not making eye contact.

"Yo Ruzek" Kevin said pulling me off Dylan "you need to calm your ass down"

"Baby" heather whispered placing her hand on my chest "please go cool off"

"I want to deck him" I breathed.

"I know baby and so do I but Camille doesn't need her daddy being thrown in a cell" she whispered running a finger down my cheek. "Take my smokes and go cool down, I will deal with this"

"Fine" I huffed taking her smokes before following Kevin out of the district.

"Man you are surprisingly hard to pull off someone when you see red" Kevin said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I still want to kill him, you should have seen the look on Camille's face at the airport. It broke my heart man" I sighed lighting the smoke. "She said she wasn't going to cry over him but I know that she will have broken down last night"

"You want to fly out to New York to her don't you" Kevin asked.

"Yeah but how embarrassing would it be for her if her daddy showed up not even 48 hours after she moved" I sighed.

"Come on we all Camille would actually love that" Kevin smiled "no matter how old that girl gets she will always be a daddy's girl"

"You know I might actually do that go down this weekend and spend some time with my girl" I smiled leaning against the wall. "I'm gonna give her a call"

"I will leave you to it man" he smiled

"Cheers Kev" I nodded pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"Babygirl" I whispered.

"Hi daddy" Camille laughed "what's wrong"

"Nothing I just needed to hear my little girls voice" I sighed.

"Dylan showed up didn't he" she sighed.

"Yeah he did darling, uncle Kev had to pull me off him" I mumbled.

"Should have pummelled him dad" she laughed.

"I would have but you mum stopped me before I could land a punch" I laughed.

"Spoilsport" Camille giggled.

"Well I called to see how you was doing and if it was cool for your old man to come see you this weekend?" I asked twirling the lighter in my fingers.

"Yeah that would be nice, is mum coming as well or is it just you?" She asked.

"Was thinking just me if that's ok?" I smiled.

"We haven't had a daddy daughter day for a while" she giggled.

"Good to hear your giggling again" I laughed. "How you doing?"

"The day is better as I have my roommates and their friends but it's just at night that is hard" she sighed.

"It's only been a day baby, things will get better I promise. Now I have to go but I will see you at the weekend." I said.

"Ok daddy,love you" Camille said.

"Love you to princess" I smiled ending the call before heading back inside.

I Don't Wanna Be - Sequel to Thats My Girl  Where stories live. Discover now