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It was like dad has superpowers or something

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It was like dad has superpowers or something. That call was at the perfect time to cheer me up. It's only been 24 hours and I was missing home so much.

Walking along the waters edge smiling as the sunrise started to peak through the trees. Looking up at the court I smiled, this was another thing about me that people didn't know that I loved basketball. It helped me think and clear my mind.

The last couple of weeks I had started to get a routine of working out in the morning and using uncle jay's half court in his garden. So I wasn't going to let being in a different city stop me now.

I didn't know the time but today it didn't matter I didn't start my internship until Friday so I could spend all day here if I wanted to.

"Yo Ruzek" I heard Nate shout over my music. Spinning round on the spot pulling my headphones out.

"You stalking me boy I never told you my surname" I laughed as I shook my head.

"Urm it's on the back of your hoodie" he laughed nervously.

"Just playing Nate" I smirked taking a shot at the hoop.

"You never said you played" he nodded to the ball.

"You never asked" I shrugged catching the ball off the bounce back.

"How long you been out here?" He asked as I grabbed my bottle off the bench.

"Urm" I said checking my watch "since about 5am"

"Well seen as I'm here and you are here, wanna do one on one" he smiled dumping his bag on the bench.

"Oh you are on boy" I smirked bouncing the ball over to him.


"Gimme a minute" I panted leaning over resting my hands on my knees

"Awww is someone unfit" Nate laughed.

"It's alright for you" I breathed "mr basketball player, I've not long started actually working out"

"Your good though" he smiled tossing me a bottle of water. "Wanna make this a daily thing?"

"Yeah why not, might have to be at night though depends what my schedule is like" I smiled.

Picking up my phone I sighed as Dylan's face appeared on my screen. This would have been the 17th call in the last 24 hours. Taking a breath I hit answer.

"How many times do I have to tell you to fuck off we are done" I screamed.

"Baby please just hear me out I'm begging" Dylan sighed.

"3 words Dylan. Not. Fucking. Interested" I spat pulling my phone from my ear.

"Nate can you grab my ball for me please" I smiled at him before bringing the phone back to my ear.

"Who's Nate?" Dylan questioned.

"None of your fucking business now leave me the fuck alone. I don't get why you haven't got the message that I don't want to speak to you." I spat ending the call tossing my phone in my bag.

"You okay?" Nate asked throwing me my ball.

"Yeah just my ex didn't speak to me for a week now he is blowing up my phone. You would have thought dating someone 6 years older than me they would be a bit more you know mature but obviously not" I sighed.

"His loss girl and if you don't mind me asking how old are you?"  He smiled sitting next to me.

"Nah it's cool I'm 18 what about you?" I said leaning back bouncing the ball between my feet.

"Just turned 20 and I have to say you look younger than 18" he laughed.

"Thanks I've got good genes" I said laughing.


"Mmmmm something smells good" I smiled walking back into the apartment.

"Haley is making pancakes" peyton smiled at me.

"Sweet I'm just gonna grab a shower and then will be back" I nodded as I headed to my en-suite.

The one thing I was worried about was not making any friends but being in a new city where no one knows my family was working out great I had made friends that seem to like me for me. Maybe moving out of Chicago was the best thing for me.

Soon enough I had showered and changed and we was sat around the table eating breakfast.

"So you have met Nate and Luke what do you think" Haley asked.

"They seem decent guys, I was down the river court this morning with Nate actually totally not planned I was there when he turned up but gonna make it a regular thing though" I said taking a sip of coffee.

"Oh really" peyton teased.

"It's nothing ok, I'm not ready to start seeing someone just yet. I'm tryna work on my fitness and he said he would help" I shrugged.

"That's kinda cute and very unlike Nate he doesn't normally like anyone working out with him" peyton smirked.

"Look it's nothing ok, I just want to focus on my internship" I smiled "I wanna start my own  fashion line"

"Well if you want some practice I have a wedding to go to in a month and cannot find a dress I like so if you wanna make one feel free" Haley smiled at me.

"Thank you Haley I think I might" I smiled as I finished my breakfast.

"You thought of a name for your future line" she asked.

"Actually yes, came to me this morning" I laughed "clothes over bros"

* So what do we think will happened between Camille and Nate? Do you think there could be something there? And will Dylan ever give up? Or will they end up back together?

Would love to know your thoughts and feedback.

Hjayy xx

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