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Dylan's view

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Dylan's view

How can things change so quickly. I had only left xav's flat to go get some more baccy. I was only gone for 20 minutes if that and I felt uneasy leaving Camille with Xavier's friends. He was my brother but the people he hung around with wasn't the best.

Walking back into the flat I heard the lads laughing but what sent chills down my spine was the slurs for help off Camille.

Barging into the living room I saw one of the guys pinning Camille down on the sofa and another one straddling her.

"The fuck you doing" i roared pulling the dude off my girl, sending my fist to his face causing him to stumble before I shoved the guy pinning my girl down.

"Dy" Camille spluttered.

"I'm here baby girl I'm here" I whispered crouching down next to her watching her eyes roll into the back of her head before she went limp. "The fuck did you guys give her"

No one said anything.

"I swear if somebody doesn't tell me what was put in her drink I am going to flip" I screamed.

"MDMA and rufee" Xav mumbled hanging his head in shame.

"And you are meant to be her best friend" I spat as I scooped Camille up into my arms. I needed to get her to med and fast.


"Someone help" I shouted Walking into med with a limp unconscious Camille in my arms.

Soon enough the staff rolled a gurney over to me and I placed Camille down.

"What happened" Will I think it was asked.

"Her drink was spiked" I sighed running my shaking hand through my hair as she started to seize.

"Do we know what with?" He asked as he rolled Camille into a bay.

"MDMA and rufees" I said, out of the corner of my eye I saw Adam stood by a room. It didn't take long before he realised it was me and I had brought Camille in.

Within seconds I was pushed up against the wall with his hand around my throat.

"What the fuck have you done to my daughter?" He spat through clenched teeth.

"Nothing" I breathed out

"Well why is she in the hospital un-fucking-conscious then" he shouted in my face.

"Ruzek calm down" one of the female members of intelligence said pulling him off me. "Dylan, I'm Erin, What happened"

"I went out to get some more baccy as we ran out, I was gone less than 20 minutes and when I had come back they had spiked her drink and one of them was pinning her down whilst the one that had been creeping Camille out was straddling her" I mumbled with tears forming in my eyes. "I should have took her with me after some of the comments that was said but I didn't think this would happen"

"If you are lying to me boy I will fuck you up" Adam said pointing in my face.

"Ruzek What did I just say?" Erin said pulling him away again "we can verify what happened when Camille wakes up. Now go phone heather and get her here"

He looked like he was going to say something but thought against it and walked off.

"You've gotta believe me erin" I said shoving my hands in my pocket.

"Dylan I do but you need to understand just how protective Ruzek is of his little girl" she smiled softly at me.

I was just about to head into the room Camille was in when I saw Xavier walk into the ED.

"You don't get to be here" I shouted storming over to him, squaring up with my brother.

"She's my best friend" he screamed in my face.

"Yet you sat back and fucking watched them spike her drink and try to take advantage of her" I spat slamming him against the wall.

"Jay I need a hand over here" Erin shouted to her partner.

"Right now you aren't my brother, you are lucky I haven't killed you yet" I spat as jay pulled me off xavier.

"Hey buddy calm it down, last thing I want to be doing is arresting you" jay said calmly as he pulled me out of sight of my brother.

"I can't believe it he is her best friend" I sighed slumping in one of the chairs. "And Adam doesn't believe that it wasn't me. I'd be surprised if he let me see Camille again"

"Things will be ok" he smiled putting his hand on my shoulder "you have to see it from his view thought, seeing you walk in her with his daughter unconscious in your arms after a house party"

"I get it I do. If I had a daughter and I saw the same I'd flip" I whispered

I don't know how much time had passed before will came over to us.

"We have pumped her stomach and got her on iv fluids" he nodded "whoever spiked her drink basically gave her quite a bit of MDMA and her body went into shock, she's awake if you want to go and see her"

Instantly I got up and ran into the room.

"Babygirl" I whispered taking her hand and sitting down. "I'm so sorry I shouldn't have left you"

Before she got chance to speak heather and Adam barged into the room.

"Princess" he whispered engulfing her in a hug. "Can you remember what happened"

"Everyone was quite chilled, one guy was creeping me out. Dylan nipped out to get some more baccy and I asked xavier for help but he just shrugged at me, that's all I can remember" Camille whispered.

"So Dylan didn't do anything?" Heather asked as Adam was still glaring at me.

"No he wasn't even in the flat" she whispered as I squeezed her hand.

"This xavier kid, he's your best friend yeah?" Adam asked her.

"Yeah" she mumbled.

"I'm gonna kill him" Adam roared storming out the room.

I Don't Wanna Be - Sequel to Thats My Girl  Where stories live. Discover now