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"Mum" I shouted running through the ward "how's pops doing"

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"Mum" I shouted running through the ward "how's pops doing"

"He is stable at the moment thank god" she said pulling me into her arms.

"Is he gonna be ok?" I whispered.

"We don't know at this stage kiddo" she sighed as she let me go. "He is currently sleeping at the moment"

"He will be home for Christmas" I whispered "pops is strong"

"Hey Ruzek I got us some food" Nate smiled passing me a maccies bag.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Who's this" mum asked as she stole some fries.

"This is Nate, Nate this is my mum" I nodded before taking a bite of my Big Mac.

"Well Nate thank you for being here for my little girl, you can stay with us for a bit saved you getting a hotel this close to Christmas" mum said.

"Thanks but I don't want to intrude" he said.

"Don't be silly you are a friend of Camille's so our home is your home" mum smiled.

"I'm gonna go see pops" I whispered passing my mum the remainder of my food.

Walking into the room I took in pops appearance. He looks so fragile. Sitting on the chair next to him I took his hand.

"Pops you gotta pull through this, you just have to. Who will I go to when me and mum fight." I half laughed. "I have so much planned like creating my own fashion line and opening a shop"

"And I will be there to see it happen" pops whispered huskily.

"Pops" I whispered as he opened his arms out for a hug.

"I'm not going anywhere kiddo not for a while yet" he smiled "I can't believe you flew back from New York early"

"Like I'd not fly home early with you being in hospital" I laughed "have they said when you can come home?"

"Hopefully before Christmas" he nodded "now I want you to do something for me"

"Anything pops" I said

"I want you to take your mum home she hasn't left this hospital all day and she looks shattered and to be honest so do you" he smiled.

"But we don't want to leave you" I sighed.

"Kiddo I will be ok, just go home and I will see you in the morning ok" he said kissing my head.


"So how long you staying before you fly home?" I asked.

"I will have to leave in a couple of days" he said as he tossed me the ball.

"I appreciate you coming with me. You are the best friend I could ask for" I smiled as I took a shot.

"It's fine" Nate smiled as he ran to get the ball off me.

Adam's view

"I'm glad he came back with her, at least he can take her mind off things for a couple of days" I said kissing heathers head. "He helped her a lot in moving on from Dylan"

"He seems like a nice lad" she nodded taking a drag on her smoke.

"How you holding up baby?" I asked.

"Meh, they are saying he is stable and hopefully should be home for Christmas" she sighed "it's just shit I always saw dad as invincible and this has just made me realise how we could have actually lost him"

"One thing I know about your dad is that he is strong, he will come out of this stronger" I whispered. "Now come on I think we all deserve to head over to mollies for a couple of drinks"

"Yeah it's been a long day for all of us, apparently Dylan found Camille and tried to get her to take him back" heather said stubbing her smoke out.

"You have got to be kidding me" I sighed.

"But she basically told him where to go but think she did say that they could still be friends" she nodded. "I see she's going by Ruzek and not Voight"

"Yeah think it's cuz she stole my sweater" I laughed. "It's nice to have our little girl back hone early but not because of the reason"

"Yeah I can't wait until she's back from New York" heather smiled watching Camille and Nate laughing trying to get the ball out of each other's hands. "I know you don't like the fact she will continue dating but from what I've seen and heard her and Nate will end up together they just don't see it yet"

"Just like we were at that age then" I laughed as we walked inside.

"Mum the hospital just rang on the house phone" Alvin sniffed. "Pops has had another heart attack"

"Shit, go get your sister" I breathed as al ran outside.

"Adam I can't lose my dad I just can't" heather cried.

"We won't lose him baby" I whispered pulling her into my arms.

"Dad what's going on" Camille asked dumping her ball in the kitchen sink.

"Your pops has had another heart attack kiddo"

I Don't Wanna Be - Sequel to Thats My Girl  Where stories live. Discover now