The Dance

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As Terra ran around trying to find a dress she noticed a long dress that wouldn't fit her overall. But she took scissors and started to design an outfit. She looked out the window and noticed the Specialist started to appear.

One Specialist cought his eyes.

She accidentally left her ring at Stella's room and had no time to get it.

She noticed that she needed a little bit of fabric so she looked around the halls for a closet.

Later on in her search she ran into someone and rubbed her head

"Sorry!" The two girls said. When they looked up they giggled

"Hey Bloom! What are you looking for?"

"Scissors" She groaned

"What about you?" She asked

"Fabric" Terra groaned. They heard noises coming from a door and ran for cover.

"Icy, Darcy and Stormy" Bloom mumbled.

"Who?" Terra asked

"Three witches that attacked me when I first came. There up to something"

The three witches said a spell and Bloom told Terra to watch them.

As Bloom ran off, Terra followed the witches outside. As she waited Bloom went out and hid with her.

"Let's go, don't worry" She nodded. Terra went on but Bloom stayed for a few more minutes. When Terra went back to her room and finished her dress she walked down to the doors. She sighed.

"My new life" She mumbled to herself. As she walks down everyone stops and gasped

"She's pretty." she heard someone say. She giggled as she looked down at the light blue-green long-flowy dress. She smiled as she saw a group of guys with her fairy friends.

"Don't you look beautiful" Flora giggled

"You almost look as beautiful as me" Stella chuckled.

"Thank you. You girls look beautiful yourselves." Terra smiled.

"Lady's. Meet the new member of Red Fountain" said a guy with sliver-blond hair and brown eyes

"Boys. Meet the new member of Alfea" Musa presented

"Other then Bloom of course" Flora added.

"I'm Terra" She smiled.

"Oliver. Wanna dance?" He asked. Terra giggled and nodded. She took his hand gently. He placed his hands around her waist and she placed her hands around his neck.

"I feel like this is awkward" Terra chuckled awkwardly.

"Yes. It is. And the only reason I asked was so that other girls would believe that I have a date"

Terra moved his hands away and scoffed.

"So your using me? I knew all guys are the same." Terra crosses her arms and started walking away before he pulled her back.

"I didn't mean it that way Terra. I saw you look out the window and when I saw the other girls here. I didn't think they compared to you" he smirked.

"Some how I don't believe you" Terra rolled her eyes and walked towards the girls

"Terra, Bloom is in trouble" 

"Lady's! Why don't you girls come! Musa can play some Music-" Ms.Faragonda smiled as she pulled the girls.

"Help Bloom!" Flora whispered yelled.


Terra looked out to see the three witches circling Bloom. She walked out to make it look like she was in no sudden emergency. When she got out the doors she ran towards Bloom.

But when she got there she froze. Unable to move.

'If Bloom can't what makes them think I can? I still haven't transformed yet' She thought.

A few minutes pass and Terra snapped back into reality. She saw that Bloom had a beautiful blue outfit. There was nothing Terra could do now.

Bloom had lightning and flowing hair. Darcy moves her hands in front of her face and her eyes turn a neon purple. Bloom lost her balance but soon flew up. Darcy growled and Icy made an ice ledge, soon her face showed and Bloom fell. Stormy made a tornado sending her towards a bush and Icy froze it.

When they left with a shell Terra came out and ran towards her.

Terra soon saw the other girls run over.

"I'm so sorry Bloom!" Terra yelled as she crawled out.

"The teachers kept us from coming" Musa added.

"Yea! We're so sorry Bloom!" Stella said helping her.

"It's okay you guys. I transformed!" She smiled

"Wow that's amazing Bloom." Terra smiled sadly.

"Don't worry! You'll turn soon" Flora smiled patting her back softly. Terra put on a smile and they all went back. Terra was near a table when Bloom came out. Everyone stopped and gasp at amazingly beautiful she is.

Sky stepped in front of her.

"Would you like to dance?"

"Your not going to run away from me now, right?" He laughed awkwardly.

Bloom shook her head and took his hand. Meanwhile Oliver came up next to Terra with her noticing

"Hey beautiful-"


"But I didn't even ask yet" he swung his hands down in defeat.

"You used me before I even knew who you were. If you want to get to know me, your going to have to earn my trust" she giggled.

He hissed and smirked.

"Earning people's trust isn't something I do princess"

"Well it was very nice knowing you Oliver and I'm not a princess"

She nodded walking away. Terra looked back into everything that happened with Bloom. She had a need to protect her with her life but she froze in the face of the action.

Why couldn't she help her? Why does she need to protect her? The girls were counting on her and she let them down, how was she going to become a fairy now? She couldn't even protect one person.

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