Mission to Home

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"Terra!" Bloom shouted as Terra broke through Miss Faragonda's window with ice. Miss Faragonda used a shielding spell to block it from hurting anyone. Terra slowly flew in and landed in front of Bloom.

Bloom walked up with pleading eyes before Miss Faragonda pulled her back "She's not Terra anymore Bloom"

"No" Bloom cried shaking her head. "Terra's here! I know I haven't been the best. I just never had anyone risk their life for me. It's new to me, the feeling. Please, Terra. It's always been you and me. Since the beginning and I'm not letting my selfishness get in the way of friendship! I need you! I need you to protect me!"

Terra's face softened as her red eyes flashed a blue. "You're still here Terra. Fight. Fight for you, fight for our fallen kingdoms that the ancestral witches have destroyed, fight from me. They took my flame, my power, nows your time to be the hero I always needed!"

Terra gasped as she fell to her knees back into her green outfit. She cried as Bloom ran over "I'm so sorry! This is all my fault. I told them about the army of darkness"

"No Terra. Do not blame yourself. You were under a spell that you could not break" Miss Faragonda sighed


"Your pathetic little magic schools will soon cease to exist, we have supreme power and we will stop at knowing to obtain full control of the magic dimension. You have 12 hours to surrender or face total annihilation, resistance is futile" Icy laughed as her picture disappeared

"They're totally insane" Terra sighed as Miss Faragonda turned around "There's a reason the guardian was made stronger than the flame" Master Saladin stated

"Yes, but she cannot fight the three by herself" Miss Faragonda replied "Yes, you have a point" Saladin nodded

"I'll go back to Red fountain, I'll organize a defense strategy, we've got to act quickly" Saladin growled

"Ma'am, may I ask a question?" Terra asked

"Go ahead" She nodded

"When I was evil...I felt Red fountain. It was like the building had a heartbeat. I need to be there but couldn't. What's that about?"

"Red Fountain was created on Tevibos then moved. Those three witches found a way to lock the kingdom and no one has seen it since. It's now considered the Lost Kingdom" Saladin answered

"Yes, but since it's lost we quite don't know anything like it"

"Well...I've been having a few dreams. They haven't come up but it's a man. He isn't a spirit like Bloom's sister"

"It could be someone frozen in the kingdom. But for now, we should keep our head in the game and help out as much as we can" Miss Faragonda informed. Terra nodded and walked out to find Bloom and the others


"The witches are planning an attack against us. They're doing what their ancestors did. Back then they had seriously jeopardized the dimensions balance of power and now another generation of witches has taken up the fight and this time they possess a weapon their ancestors did not" She said angrily in front of the girls

She pointed at bloom "Your power" and placed her hand down as Terra sighed "and that makes them almost invincible. Listen carefully because I said almost. Someone much more powerful is on our team. Terra. They tried to control you because your power can not be moved or transferred into another person"

"Bloom and Terra listen carefully at this point in time the only thing for you to do is to go back to Domino with Terra as your guard"

"To Domino? But why?" Bloom asked and Terra nodded confidently

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