Date with Disaster (Part Two)

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"I don't know. I can't believe it" Flora gasped as the fairies looked around.

"Believe it girl, this is no dream" Musa shrugged turning back.

"What in the world has gotten into her" Flora asked with a hand to her cheek.

"Her date with that Specialist must have sent her to dizzy mode" Tecna said pointing her index finger and spun it in circle motions indicating she's gone crazy.

"On earth we'd say she's out of her head. But somehow I don't think the Specialist got anything to do with it. You should've seen her, she was really evil, it didn't look like her"

"I don't understand the part about the ring-" Musa said shrugging her hands up.

"Why was she looking for it? She herself gave it to Flora"

"What if she's lost her memory, what if something happened to make her confused?" Flora asked.

"That's what we've got to find out. For the time being nobody must know anything about what happened" Bloom said opening her arms to the room.

"It'll be hard to keep this a secret for long" Tecna stated putting her hands to her hips.

"We've got to find Terra, she's not answering her cellphone"

"That would be too easy"

"Where do we start?" Tecna asked

"Well I'd start with last night's date. We'll ask the boys at Red Fountain. Someone's bound to know something about Terra" Musa said holding up the letter.

"All right then" Bloom nodded. The note card just said a name and there could be Millions of men in the school with the same name. Boy, were they in for a treat.

"We'd love to help you girls but no one told us they were going out with Terra" Prince Sky sighed.

"Yea sorry girls" Brandon sighed shaking his head crossing his arms

"About half our classroom likes her. She showed real skill that day" Riven scoffed with crossed arms.

"I want to help" Oliver said raising a small hand.

"Really!?" Stella asked

"He's only helping to get his hands on who ever Terra went out with" Timmy spoke putting his hand on Oliver's shoulder.

"No way! You went out with Terra?!" Yelled a guy.

"Yea. She's actually a really nice girl. Sweet and beautiful. There's not a single bad cell in her body!" Smiled the guy with blonde hair and hazel eyes.

The girls ran up to him and Stella moved the other guy away.


"Your Ace?" Bloom asked

"Yup. How may I help you fairies?"

"Terra? What happened after the date?" Flora asked

"Um. She kissed me on the cheek and we parted ways"

"She kissed you? And you didn't even walk her back to the school!" Oliver shouted.

"It was her idea. She didn't want us both to get in trouble if we got caught" He nodded.

"Wait until I get my hands on you!" Oliver yelled almost jumping him before Riven pulled him over his shoulder.

"We'll leave you to it" Sky nodded

"Bye sweeties" Riven smirked and Oliver pounded his fist on Riven's back.

"I wanted her to get to school safe so I followed her. I lost her when I got to town and when I went in the morning they said she wasn't at school. The date was that bad, huh" he rubbed the back of his neck with a blush

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