Betrayed! (Part Two)

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"Congratulations Stella, Musa and Terra are gone and you don't know which bus they took. " Flora scolds with hands on her hips.

"The only bus that stops here is the one for Magixs, it's a no-brainer Flora," Stella said crossing her arms and looking to the side in guilt.

"Yeah but they could get off anywhere," Flora said.

"Do you need a prince, my princesses? Hi," Sky asked as he jumped down. Stella said his name with basic heart eye emojis and Tecna sighed "we all know his name, no need to yell."

"Hi Tecna"

"Hi Bloom"

"Aw, where's my princess?"

"We saw you at the bus stop and we thought maybe you needed a ride," Brandon said.

"Oh, hi Brandon. Actually, you guys are showing up just in time" Bloom smiled.

"Riven's not with you?" Flora asked "Riven? After what happened at the Rose ball he's out of the group" Sky answered.

"He decided to join another squad of specialists which is fine by us" Timmy clarified.

"We've got to find Musa and Terra. She went to Magix" Bloom said.

"well then get in. That's where we're going, you can fill us in on the way, come on" Brandon said as they jumped back on the ship.


Terra and Musa ran like their lives depended on it. And it did.

"Don't run away Musa! It's useless!" they yelled.

"Leave her alone!" Terra yelled as she ran faster with Musa. "Just save your self, Terra! They don't want you!" Musa yelled "No! I never leave a friend behind!"

"Go away!" Musa yelled.

"What are we waiting for? Let's drive them out of the wall!" Yelled one of them as they started using their magic. As an explosion hits  both of their feet they trip but got back up "Stop it! Stop!" Musa yelled out as they turned the corner.

They both stopped as they saw Riven. Musa jumped in front of him "Oh Riven, help me please" she begged

"And why should I? I'll help Terra" he smirked. She looked off to the side and Terra grabbed her wrist. Terra let go as they ran into a dead end.

Up ahead was the ship. Two red dots beeped, "There they are" Oliver pointed "They're after them and they're stuck at a dead-end" Brandon said.

"We have to move faster!" Oliver yelled.

"Cool your jets Prince Oliver we'll get your princess," Sky nodded.

"No!" Terra yelled.

"We're trapped!" Musa yelled as they turned back. Only for Stormy and Icy to show up.

"Looks like you've reached the end of the line fairy" Icy laughed. Terra moved to the other side of Musa as the wall bust open. The ship lands down behind them. Icy and Stormy growl as Musa and Terra looked behind.

"Guys!" they yelled as Terra jumped into Flora's arms "Musa, Terra"

"Brandon" Riven said as he walked over. "Now. let's see if you're gonna be tough with me too" Riven said as he brought out his sword.

"You want to play rough huh?" he asked as he grabbed his sword "well if that's how you want it." he growled as he ran over with the sword. The sounds of the grunts and swords clashing filled the area.

"Come on girls!" one yelled running over to the Winx but a green light stood in the way.

"Ha ha" Sky chuckles as he kneeled down with the sword. The witches growled as the weather changed to snow. They looked at Icy that had her hands open with blue icy bubbles and Stormy moved her hands up to shoot Lightning into the sky.

The Lost PrincessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz