Faires and Specialist

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The six girls were standing in a line at Red Fountain, "the school filled with hot guys" as Stella would say.

"Professor Palladium, why are we in Red Fountain and not in class?" Asked one of the fairies which got everyone mumbling as to why there here, standing in front of boys. A few of the girls knew some of the guys standing there.

"Just because you ladies have magic doesn't mean you can't use other skills or use your magic to get ahead"

"That's right. My men will help as much as they can." Headmaster Saladin added with a nod.

"It also seems to me that Terra can't participate in this little game of ours because she still hasn't transformed" Professor Palladium sighed.

He was upset that she couldn't participate in this event, he tried to convince principal Faragonda but had no luck because it would be too dangerous for her.

The men and fairies looked at her, some in disgust and others in pity that she couldn't transform. The others aren't going to let their friend be set down because of something she had no knowledge of.

"Hey! Stop talking about her. She didn't know until a couple of days ago!" Flora yelled out as the rest nodded crossing their arms. The men looked rather lazy because they were laying on their swords or slouching. But what Terra said got everyone with wide eyes and to look up at her

"I'm participating," She said calmly looking at the teacher with a blank face. The mumbles and whispers of the fairies stopped to witness what was going to happen next.

"These are strict orders from Ms. Faragonda Terra, There's nothing I can do, the problem our out of my hands"  He chuckled nervously

"I know, but I don't care"

"Terra you can't just go around saying stuff like that, don't be reckless" Tecna added.

"Fine." Terra sighed looking down

"But can you answer me something? Why have Specialists when we already have fairies?"

"I'm sorry?" Palladium asked so she could repeat the question.

"Fairies protect, Specialist protect, Fairies have magic energy and Specialist have...What? Weapons that Fairies can also use. So why do we have Specialists?" 

He gulped, unable to find the answer as he sought in that big brain of his. 'Was she right?' he thought looking at everyone but Terra.

"Young lady, should I put this up with Miss Faragonda?" Asked Professor Codatorta while putting one leg out.

"What? Can't answer? If I have no magic, same as them what's stopping me fromfighting if these men are supposedly better then me. Is it because I'm a girl?"

"W-What! No of course not!" Professor Palladium stuttered out as he waved his hands around. Although you aren't allowed to hit students Professor Cadatorta wanted to see if she could fight and that what she was saying wasn't the truth.

He went in for a punch which she counter-attacked by grabbing his wrist with her left hand and with her right she placed it on the back of his neck. She pulled him forward raising her knee and smashed her knee with his stomach. As soon as her foot landed on the ground she swept it across the floor to trip him but she pulled his neck more and he flipped over with his back to the ground.

"See! I can do something!" She smiled brightly.

She looked over to the side, trying to process what happened. She had no control over her body when fighting or when she talked back. Something in her was different, but she couldn't pin it out. She saw what was happening but couldn't stop. She also didn't want to make a scene about it so she was going to talk to the others alone.

"Cadatorta?" asked headmaster Saladin nodding towards the Professor. He laughed as he sat up.

"She's strong for a little one" He smiled standing up. She smiled playing with her sweater.

"That's the girl I was talking about" Oliver whispered towards Sky, Brandon, Riven, and Timmy. They nodded and narrowed their eyes on the girl as Cadatorta threw an arm around her neck and ruffled her hair with his knuckles.

The other girls smiled as the fairies started walking towards the changing room. The girls changing into tanned shorts, a button-up tanned shirt, and tanned combat boots for shoes. On the other hand, Terra was told to change into a specialist outfit

"Wow Terra! You really showed them who's boss." Musa smiled.

"Honestly I didn't know what I was doing until I saw Professor Cadatorta on the ground. It was like I saw it and was moving but wasn't there...It makes no sense, never mind"

"It could mean that your brain is blocking out a few things you don't what to remember-"

"Lady's! Let's go!" Yelled Professor Cadatorta knocking on the door. Stella was the first one out with the brightest smile. Terra was still trying to wrap her head around what happened.

"Terra your up first!" Professor Palladium announced.

"Good luck!" Yelled out the girls. Professor Palladium was still looking over who should fight Terra but in the meanwhile, Professor Cadatorta looking over his men and asked.

"Who would like to show Terra how to work the sword?"

Oliver and a few others raised their hands in hopes of getting close to the girl. Sadly for Terra, he picked Oliver out of the few. He walked over with a slick smirk. Terra had to admit that he looked handsome in his white and blue outfit.

And Oliver already knew Terra looked stunning in a specialist outfit.

"Alright, Princess. Let's start with a stance-"

"Sword Oliver. I already know my stance" Terra smiled crossing her arms

"Alright then show me." He ordered raising a brow and crossing his arm. She stepped back but only left her right leg in front. She put both fists up, one in front of the other. They were near her face of course.

"Of course you knew a stance" He chuckled to himself rubbing his neck walking towards her. Terra didn't hear him she just sighed and went back to standing straight. He gave her a small metal pole.

"Swing it down" He ordered. She did as told and a light sword came out. She smiled and soon so did he. They started off on the wrong foot, yes but he wanted to change that.

"Swing forward"

She swung forward but instead, he shook his head and got behind her.

"Oliver if this is-"

"I'm in class Terra I wouldn't make you madder than you already are" He chuckled grabbing her hand that had the sword. He moved it down to the bottom of her neck and swung it forward.

"Oh, That makes more sense" She giggled lowering her head to move her feet. He chuckled softly and nodded.

"Now if you want to go down low" He started to move the sword down to her knees and swung in the same motion as the other one.

"Terra!" Professor Palladium shouted and waved over.

"Before you go, um. I wanted to know if you would like to go out...as friends so we could get a new start"

"I would like that" Terra smiled.

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